I would like to tell everyone Merry Christmas or whatever you have today. You know I have been thinking and it scares me sometimes. I think that it is time to start telling the truth. Christ was not born on Dec. 25th. It is time that we come out of the shadows of the Pope and stop letting the Catholic Churches tell us what to belive in. I belive in Jesus Christ but I do think that he was just man, Man that can do gods work with his hands. I also belive that Jesus could have been married and still done all gods work. Oct. 5th 1305 the pope had all the Knights kiled in the name of god. But when I look at the Ten Commanements I think that one of them are thou shell not kill, it dose not say but for god. So I would really like to start a movement and start telling the truth about god and the holy spirit. I do not want to lead people down a path of lie's. I have gone down roads like that before and I don't want to go back.
Blessings and blessed be
Rev Jeff
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
all of it's righeousness (your heart-knowledge) and everything else you want, will
be given to you (health; wealth and joy)
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Well Journeys