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Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,

Gifted or Cursed?

  • Have you ever had that moment when you know you have seen someplace before, though you have never been? Have you looked into a History book, or been surfing the web, and seen a face you could swear that you have seen before, yet think it impossible because the picture is of someone who died 200 years before you were born? Or worse, have you had a dream so horrifically vivid of a disaster that has not happened, only to find out that your dream comes true only days later exactly as you saw it in your dream, yet this is reality, this really happened. Have you ever been visited by and had conversations with what was explained to you to be your Guardian Angels, only to look away and turn back after shaking your head, and they are gone? Have you ever tried to explain these things to your Parents only to have them say “Don’t ever speak of this again” or “ Shhhh, don’t talk about things like that, do you want people to think you’re crazy?” Only to have them look at you funny when the news comes on with breaking news about a plane crash that happened just minutes before, that you told them about 2 or 3 days prior to that. Can you touch someone and feel their pain? Can you touch someone and lessen their pain or remove it all together taking it on yourself until it dissipates with no real effect to you? .


    All these things happen every day to people all over the world, myself included and have been since I was a young child. I will say that my folks were very conservative about my gifts for the most part; however I was told that it was best to keep these things to myself because people just wouldn’t understand. We were able to talk about it between us, my folks and me I mean. I was asked not to mention it to my brother and sister. But they already knew. I remember the concern in my parents’ eyes when we discussed it, and decided to myself not to speak of it again.


    Through the early years of trying to come to grips with my situation I felt very alone, though my parents seemed to know how I was feeling and would comfort me as best as they could yet somehow I managed to cope with it on my own. In 1976 My Grandfather passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack while I was at school. I was called to the office where I was told to wait for my parents that they were on their way. Of course they would not explain why. While I sat alone in an outer office waiting, my Grandfather visited me and told me not to be afraid that what I was experiencing was a gift from God and that I was special. I remember being shocked or in shock, yet I felt at peace. He told me that I soon would better understand. I remember asking him if he was in heaven, and he told me that he was on his way there now but wanted to speak with me before he left. He told me he loved me and he was gone. Soon after that my parents showed up and told me my Grandfather had died, I remember telling them “ I know, he told me” Somehow they didn’t seem shocked at that revelation.


    In April that same year I remember eating breakfast on a Saturday morning and the number 625 flashed over and over in my thoughts. That night as I was lying in bed just about to fall asleep, I found myself on a airplane. I could see the people bent over in their seats and I could hear what sounded like praying mixed within the engine noise. The next thing I knew I saw a flash and I was sitting up in my bed. I finally went to sleep only to awaken to hear that an aircraft with the flight number 625 had crashed in the Caribbean. I saw scenes from the crash on tv only to recognize some faces I saw in my vision walking away from the crash scene. That was the most vivid thus far and little did I know it would be the beginning of many more. There have indeed been many more, in 1979 while hiking with some friends I remember that for some reason my body kept stumbling to the left until I finally had to sit down. The numbers 1, 9, 1 kept flashing in my thoughts, and I knew what was happening, then I got several flashes of being on a plane listing heavily to the left, and again I saw people leaning forward praying and screaming, and then the bright flash, fire and it was gone…It was at that point that this “Gift “that my Grandfather had told me I had, was indeed a curse. It seemed to me, that the only thing this so called gift was good for was showing me death. Two days later on the evening news it was reported that a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles had crashed during takeoff, with no survivors.
    The flight number was 191.


    A few weeks later while meditating I was visited by two people, one male, and one female. I thought it funny, since I was in a very secluded place and no one knew I was there. The female introduced them as Miranda and Raul respectively, and that they were sent to speak with me. Ummm, by who, I asked. The answer to say the least floored me. She explained that they were indeed sent by He who granted me such a gift as I have been given. That’s it I’m nuts, I have flat lost my mind. Not only do I apparently foresee horrible events, here before me are two people who appear from nowhere to talk with me. They appeared as solid as you and I, yet dressed all in white, it was a sure thing they didn’t belong there. When I was able to find my voice again I asked them the question I think anyone in my position would ask, Why Me? The answer was, “You have been given a very special gift, a gift that has been given to generations in your line” Excuse me! Generations in my line? Gift? Yeah right, if you say so. You mean a curse don’t you? I mean all I get from this gift is scenes of death and misery. At that point they reminded me of the many other things that were, well, unique. Like being able to guess cards in a face down deck of cards, with concentration, being to tell what people are thinking and many more that I never really gave any thought to. She asked me if I could feel others pain, or if I touched them if I would get images of their lives. Yes I could. Could I see darkness in people? Yes I could. But I could see light as well, I could see a radiance which surrounds us all, colors of different shades and brightness. We spoke for what seemed like minutes, yet the thoughts that were left me from our meeting were those of which we should have talked for days.


    When at College I joined a study that centered on ESP (Extrasensory Perception). I thought it would be harmless fun at the time, little did I know that it would change my life forever. This was during my second year of University for Hydraulic Engineering, which I was going to make my career with good hope. Mid way through the study I was contacted by a gentleman who said he would like to speak with me. He said that he had heard that I had a gift, a very special gift. How did he know about that? He offered me a chance of a lifetime job, not full time, yet I would see many wonderful places and experience many different things. He wasn’t kidding there. I left school and took him up on his offer. I’m not at Liberty to discuss that position or what I did, only this. I did see wonderful places, but more so I saw impoverished and dangerous places. I saw Evil in its rawest form. I sensed the thoughts of evil men, and had to do things I never thought in a million years I would ever have to do. Things that if I had the chance to redo, I may have chosen differently, yet how I chose to use this gift, has changed the lives of a great many people both for the good, and for those evil thinking folks, not so good.


    I have come to realize through the years that when Miranda told me it was in my line, she meant it ran in my family. Both of my folks it seemed also had this gift. Now I know why they wanted to protect me, and yet seemed so nonchalant about the things I was telling them sometimes. Because of this gift, I met my Wife, you see we share this gift, though I am much more in tuned with it, I am able to help her to fine tune her own. Though with great care. Throughout the years I have learned to control this gift of mine mostly, yet there are times when it is uncontrollable and comes as it will. Now that I am older and hopefully wiser I have come to learn many things about it, through research as well as living with it. I have learned that with this gift comes a great responsibility. Gifts such as these can be used for great good, however they can also be perverted into very grievous things. Unless one has command of their gifts and the proper use of them, great harm can come not only to themselves, but to those around them.


    There are a great many people who are endowed with gifts in many different forms and severity of strength, yet there are also many who have a gift and don’t know how to control it. Also, there are a great many that have no gift at all other than the ability to play odds. Those folks take a fifty- fifty guess and luckily guess right. One who has a gift can usually spot them a mile off. Those don’t concern me as much as those who are gifted and assert their gift in areas which they should not. Some of which is in the paranormal field. Don’t get me wrong, there are many such as Amy Allen who are Physical Mediums who are truly gifted in their field and utilize that gift properly in order to detect and give their advice on how best to deal with paranormal activity. But there are also those who do not have command of their abilities and delve into things such as exorcism and contact of the spiritual realm only to cause more harm than good, not only to themselves but to those they are trying to help. As tuned as I believe my abilities to be, I have seen many times into the spiritual realm and will not try and manipulate it, Period!! Those are forces which are unpredictable at best, and only highly trained and or specifically tuned gifted persons should explore.


    I find that I am meeting more and more people like me now, I guess maybe it is because I no longer fear others thinking I’m crazy or perhaps it is because I wish to share my experiences with others in order to help them to understand their own gifts. I do still caution others however, that there are a great many people who will not allow themselves to believe that such gifts are real and never will. So be careful as to what you say in the outside world, because sometimes even a great gift will not foretell you how people will react to you and your gift.


    Peace be your Journey!!.....Taz

  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, In what way Gary?
    February 28, 2015
  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, I think Gary, I will have to agree with you....
    February 28, 2015 - 2 like this
  • Carolyn  Adams
    Carolyn Adams Pastor Richard, I know you can see the other side, have you used your gift to communicate with spirits, my heart is heavy as I buried my father a year and a half ago and just buried my mother day before yesterday. I would like to know that I made the righ...  more
    March 4, 2015
  • Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM,
    Pastor Richard ( Taz ) Pickett, OM, EM, Carolyn, Sight on the other side is a part of my gift that has only happened once and only with a close family member. Those that I do see are my Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides. What you seek is what is known as a Physical Medium. That is one particular...  more
    March 4, 2015 - 1 likes this