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Minister James Fairchild

My Special Christmas Gust

  • Christmas night years ago I was all alone,So I invited the Lord to have dinner in my home.I set my small table with a feast enough for two.I used the best I had-For nothing less would do.I waited and I waited,Then a knock was at my door.I sook with excitement as I hurried across the floor.An old women stood before me,Shivering in the snow.Why she was out on such a night Heaven would only know.I brought her in by the fire so that she could get warm.When I corered her with a blanket,She gentle touched my arm.I asked,"Why are you alone this night?Do you have no one?"She smiled a loving smile and said,"I have an only Son."                                                                                                                                                                                                     Author: Dellene Kopplin Blackmore