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Reverend Giovano 'Koala' Fusco

disabled people an inspiration???

  • Hello Everyone,
    Recently I got involved in a discussion about a term I do not like 'Inspirational Por#" (I didn't finish the word because I don't like the word)it is a new term that some disabled people have started to use for shock view to get people involved in the topic... The topic is when strangers come up to a disabled people n say something like 'Oh I am so proud of you" when they know nothing of what the disabled person life has been... 
    I understand why some disabled people may dislike that happening but I have to say it is much much better then what I saw when I was a kid n teen; back then people would pull their kids away from a disabled person, or when the kid started to ask a question the parent would hush them up, or kids just stared at the disabled person... When I saw a parent hushed the child I would say 'Don't do that, let the child ask a question, how else are they going to learn!!!" 
    Now, if someone says they are proud of you; yes you could reply rudely or get upset but Why not use it as a chance to educate them about a disability... Is it not better to be nice n positive then getting yourself upset n getting the other upset by your tone in your response to them...
    I still see people starring at me once in a while but because I wear a wacky hat, have many things around my neck(mainly for easy access n easier to find when needed) n I try to smile every  where I go n some might be wondering why is that guy happy, so I don't think they are noticing the wheelchair as much as my weirdness n when they do comment they might start with my hat then open up n ask about why I am in the wheelchair n I am happy to tell them... Being open to people n honest with them surprises them n also makes an impact on the there I think for the positive...
    I grew up hearing the word 'Cripple' for many many years n to me it is as bad of a ward as the 'N' word to fellow humans that have better tans then I do.... I hate the word 'Cripple' n do not like this new term for people that might truly think we are we are an inspiration, we live is a world meant for the abled bodied person so when we are out n about people may truly inspired by our pushing though the stuff in our way to live in this world... I rather people talk to me then shun or ignore me by talking I can share with them n teach them about my disability, I think that is way more productive then getting upset at them n them getting upset back...
    Coming up with shocking terms by using ugly words will(has) split disabled people view on an issue that I know some hate dealing with... I believe if we don't shock people we wouldn't be split on the issue n we can educate others about disability instead of upsetting yourself n others...
    As for me most my friends know my life but those that don't; I was born with a brittle bone disorder(called Osteogenesis Imperfecta www.if.org) n had many many many broken bones most before I was a teenager n a handful in my teen years n young adult life n now worrying about having more again because of the OI n Osteoporosis that doctor says I have now as well. My childhood was hard n painful but other children at a disabled camp that have things even harder n that helped me learn to be grateful for what I can do n even more now that I had a stroke(in 2008)... I am now bound to an electric wheelchair n worked hard to get to a level that I can take care of myself all I need is the electric wheelchair n it in working condition n power for the batteries...
    I am also a recovering alcoholic n that also was a hard thing to do So, my life has had many issues but I have chose to love life, enjoy everyday I wake n live...
    I now try to help others with dealing with their issues by sharing my life, issue n HUGs I can't fix their problems but can try to inspire them in their life by sharing my life n love of it n let them know it can hopefully be better if they will it so, I also believe in a higher power that helps me but I don't push others to believe in a higher power but do try to push them in believing in themselves but I am human so not perfect nor try to be I try to be the best me as possible n I know others can do great I believe in those that need someone that needs someone to help them smile, happy, wacky n laugh; HUGs!!! 
    Just my opinion I wanted to share it with you all... 
    Thanks for Reading this...
    Giovano 'Koala' Fusco Jr.

    Giovano 'Koala' Fusco
    Adventurer Extraordinaire
    Being Crazy is my way of being in the Zen Zone...
    I went Crazy by my own decision so I won't go Insane!!!
    The meaning of life... is to do your best at what ever makes yourself feel for-filled and happy...
    Let the Teaching of Jesus/Buddha Guide You!!!

    my Blog:
    my FaceBook profile:
    my FaceBook group - Giovanos Dreams Hopes n Wishes:
    Easier Mobility n Access for Giovano:
    Tell Manufacturers n Retailers of Power WheelChair to offer extended Warranties:
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    yahooIM: koala_giovano
    AIM: KoalaGCF
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    MSN/Live: koalagiovano(@live)
    skype: giovano.koala

    My Important Life Awards that Mean More then Anything:
    Born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta(brittle bones) n learned to deal with Pain n Hard Ships...
    also being born with a disability n meeting Many Many other n seeing them deal help me in my Life!!!
    Survivor of Being Electrocuted at a Festival Park Ride helping another person get their SeatBelt on,
    n the electricity caused my Shoulder muscles to Crush my shoulderball which had to be Replaced...
    Survivor of being Morbidly Obese n had stomach surgery n lost over 150lbs...
    Survivor of being an Alcoholic, it's still a struggle but I'm a Survivor n Sober!!!
    Survived being hit by a Car while crossing a street in my Wheelchair which broke left hip...
    I am also a Stroke Survivor that was in the left side of brain which effected my right side n bound me to an electric Wheelchair...
    The Stroke a woken a strong Love n Spiritual side in me!!!
    Let the Teachings of Jesus n Buddha Guide Us All...