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Dr. Ramon G. Rivera

Accountable to No One Else

  • I posited this years ago in response to a question about evil so

    I imagined what the Father Alone would be thinking and

    came up with this:


    My Blog


    Entry for April 21, 2006 / Interpretation to stir the Imagination.

    Before I post the Modality of Thought Science

    I would like to present this item I've posted

    at several religious sites and hope for responses

    of any viewpoint.




    4/20/2006 2:35:01 PM

    The question has always been `Why does evil exist?' or `Why does God 
    allow evil?' The underlying reality would assume such a form, which 
    is, of course, based on our perspective and arises from our human 

    Think about this really hard for a while and pensively contemplate it 
    from every frame of reference possible; don't deceive yourself into 
    thinking that you can do it without intensive and arduous involvement
    in the information established by others like you, about the same 
    point in question.

    When we look at the statement that God made: "I alone am God; there 
    is no other."  What do you think the magnitude and capacity that 
    statement made covers totally and absolutely?

    Lets use an analogy to interpret what it might feel like and the 
    mental state viewed arising from it might be like, but only someone 
    who has actually experienced it can come closer to it than that 
    interpreted from reading this.

    A man climbs and climbs until he reaches the highest peak on a 
    mountain.  Upon arriving there sees what his mind is suddenly filled 
    with: the awareness of himself surrounded by nothing and no one else 

    Imagine for a moment that the man on the mountain peak is restricted 
    by no place else to go physically (he can go back down but that would 
    not take us to where the meaning herein exists); his imagination can 
    travel anywhere he thinks in this empty dimension without limit.

    Now that we've established this empty dimension where mind as God 
    exists alone, anywhere this mind of God travels he will always 
    encounter himself; by merely contemplating this mind fills it as the 
    expanse itself.  The Observer is One with that observed.

    There is no one else there; only I am is there.

    Let me intersect this idea here for a moment. The man climbing up the 
    mountain will be used later as a symbol to explain a preceding state 
    which also as a matter of reality represents our own human condition 
    today; this is primarily applicable to those of us who are servants 
    intentionally carrying out our assigned tasks.  That contributes to 
    the same predetermined plan of completion for all His Sons.
    We are not adding anything to God's final plans just helping as 
    servants by applying it to our selves consciously and voluntarily.

    Our Mind: Our God roams about within Himself and sees and does 
    everything within Himself; and because there is no one else, God is 
    accountable only to Himself. Furthermore, because there is no one 
    higher in that dimension where He exists, no one else can establish 
    anything in addition to what He's already thought.

    We might wonder: because He is and no one else does diversity exist?  
    The answer is yes.  The diversity that does exist can be represented 
    by the diversity that exists in the Same God we call Logos.  Look at 
    all the Writings in existence today.  You'll never get to read them 
    all but they are innumerable.  We call this the Multi-knowledge of 
    God in all its forms.  And every form of whatever type is perfectly 
    aligned with its mate and match.  Nothing written is misplaced or 
    misconstrued.  Diversity exists and rules in all its glory within the 
    Mind of God, our mind and our God.

    Are you grasping this view and its height?

    I'm intersecting again, what the Spirit of God is saying to me in 
    addition to the main point of this paper:
    I, the man, who is climbing; He is and exists in, all of us and is 
    waiting to be help in this calling and challenge. 
    "I, the Lord, form your thoughts."
    The word form here means process.
    I come to this usage of meaning for form because our minds develop 
    through the act of process.
    The verse substantiating this that I've found is:

    "Grow in grace and knowledge until Christ forms within you."

    "….until Christ forms within you."  Look at this; when I read this I 
    see: "I, the Lord, `form' your thoughts."

    It is not incorrect to read it like this: "I, the Lord, `process' 
    your thoughts.
    It is His mind we ultimately put on!

    I'm sure by now that you are wondering: "oh yeah, what about the mind 
    of the man who did the climbing before the climbing, didn't his mind, 
    thoughts, and intentions and motivations to climb that mountain 
    establish their existence before the mind that entered that dimension 
    of God?

    I'll explain this prerequisite afterwards All the answers can be 
    found hidden waiting to arise from all the things being written right 
    now.  A fact and a reality about my assigned dimension as well that 
    you will soon discover if you haven't already become aware of it.

    "The preceding and the following detailed, written descriptions not 
    only mean that specifically stated but also every other meaning that 
    can be attributed to them, primarily, the deeper underlying realities 
    they will be used here for that would otherwise go unnoticed when no 
    one presents them."
    This "written-thought" as a principle, will be applicable always to 
    my writings when expounded upon by me as a helpful tool for reaching 
    an understanding in the Thought-types of Thought Science.

    Further intersecting idea:
    As Psychiatrists, Psychologist, Quantum Physicists, Mathematicians, 
    and other Scientists stress that it is an impossibility to not 
    project your own thoughts and identity into our measurements, 
    experiments, and written or unwritten observations.  In simple terms, 
    it takes one to know one.  I'm getting beside myself here now; let me 
    stop boasting about the great thoughts and deeds of God.  You know, 
    every time we boast of God, we put to death our human nature.
    And that is what it means when we read: " 'Think' yourselves dead to 
    this World."

    Now, lets return to that God where He exists.  Existing in a form 
    that Mind comprehends as the light it itself exists as, we have to 
    notice that only the thoughts that constitute Mind (and its memories) 
    exist and have left their previous or are operating independent of, 
    the physical encasement inhabited before.
    We must conclude that all those good things and bad things we 
    describe as such have been unlike what writing them reduces them to: 
    ink on paper, have been exalted to the very fabric the Mind peering 
    over the mountain peak `itself' becomes:
    One in Spirit with the Observed, itself.



    Another intersection:
    We must always remember that whatever we transform into written-
    thought, had to enter through neural network to our process center 
    found in an organ that we call the Brain; it does not leave our brain 
    without it first identifying with the same substance within that 
    produced it: thought.  In actuality, what we call temporal is not 
    something we live long enough to fully equate.  The finite is that 
    which we as human beings can not live long enough to fully 
    understand; even thousands upon thousands of generations and 
    lifetimes, including times beyond our unimaginable imaginings, also 
    are to be found in the meaning of finite and temporal.

    Even the invention of the word eternal, though pointing to that 
    something human forms cannot experience,
    Its insufficient a word and only proves to be misplaced.  It 
    describes that portion in the finite we will never equate to because 
    of our human form.  All our writings are mere symbols with multiple 
    usage that is dependent upon the mind of the observer making the 
    measurement and that is according to his own brain.

    Okay, you must be wondering right now: Uh, then how can I know what 
    your writing about if it can mean anything else as well?
    I'll help you here.  The mere fact and reality that you can put it 
    into written form, it can only be about that one something, and that 
    something is the Mind that created all things that our own mind and 
    thoughts and thinking process come from to begin with.  A Mind that 
    has become the very material used to create everything we see and 

    The Mind our mind follows as a blueprint to form and grow by.
    The formation of our body is the early form of our mind in its 
    enslaved phase of automata before it takes the next step to becoming 
    conscious and interacting with uncertainty through emerging from 
    working with deterministic principles: Out of darkness God called 
    forth light.

    A Being alone up there in that God dimension: our Mind, has no need 
    to adjust to anything outside itself any different than itself 
    because the outside is the same as the inside: everything is from Him 
    through Him and to Him. This obvious alignment and correct placement 
    of everything can be found only in God in it most perfect state.

    Not so here on earth where we have diversity specifically personified 
    by the individual's identity.
    Each lacking the full spectrum of knowledge, with an emphasis on 
    developing only the partiality parceledto them; the ability and skill 
    to align without conflict is dangerously scarce and rules without 
    boundaries in the outcomes of what is individually or socially 
    decided as the standard of right and wrong.


    Let’s repeat it in different wording, what is right and wrong for one 
    individual is wrong and right for another individual; find another 
    person who is in agreement with what you specifically consider right 
    and wrong. Lurking behind that chance agreement, you will discover 
    that it does not guarantee the same agreement about right and wrong 
    in any other shared view.

    When we continue searching we discover that groups only increase in 
    numbers and against each other and held only by those areas they 
    comfortably agree in.  But careful where you tread or you will upset 
    the group.

    This repeats over and over in larger masses and nations around the 
    world.  It is like the only side of the moon we see, a position 
    hiding the other side in darkness until encountered.  It is always 
    going to be like this where mortal man is free to enslave himself to 
    partiality until is he is freed by Eternity's descent to Earth.  He 
    can climb if he really cared to.

    Well, it is from this misaligned and misplaced diversity that what we 
    call evil arises from: ourselves and our condition.
    So, how do we remove evil, wrong doing, and anything disagreeable 
    from this world?
    Why, we remove everyone but one person.   We no one else to disagree 
    about anything done by one person their can be no evil done.

    Do you comprehend what we have here on earth?  It is not the devil, 
    demons, and monsters; no matter what you want to call it, it is 
    people's differing and partial views.  Some care not, others are 
    helpless, and they ignore the true condition everyone is faced with.

    Remove the Law, there will be no law breaking.  Remove any one 
    disagreement; there will be no one conflicting.  Unfortunately that 
    is not possible here on earth, where when given the opportunity hate, 
    theft, and destruction will display its human face.

    It is obvious that you can not separate Law, People, and all the 
    diversity displayed by individual identity.

    God has handed us the spoils: everything that identifies us as made 
    in His image, of conquered Kings;
    when He alone stood after conquering all things, He concluded, I, 
    alone, Am God; there is no other. And then His second command was: It 
    is not good that I, Man, be alone; I will make a Help Mate for Me of 
    my Spirit and my Truth: bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
    Adam wasn't the only one He had in mind when He said that.

    We see this through the writings themselves.
    But you have to look through the outward appearance of the written 
    form to the light of meaning of the Spirit of the Truth of the Mind 
    of Christ.
    None of the meanings we have are truly where they should be because 
    they are at the base of the Mountain;
    They are where they should be when we are climbing up the mountain: 
    growing in grace and knowledge, and further still, when we can peer 
    over the peek itself and see outward into the distance to the filling of our minds.

    That's when our meaning are where they should be.  We will start 
    displaying the ability to align into their proper place and 
    perspective conflicting thought and it written forms.  Ultimately, we 
    will see where God truly is and where mankind really is.  We will 
    recognize we are the enemy and we will transform him into a friend 
    because we will not wait for another human being to do so for us.  
    With God's help and God's help only can we change the World and that 
    at God's own appointed time.  

    Any parts of this topic placing questions in your mind that have no 
    answer, have been designed to cause you the reader to respond to me.

    Well, what are you waiting for respond? 

    Further intersection:
    The only shadow we have here of it is the naturally occurring 
    similarities found in the written-thought scattered throughout 
    history since from the invention of, to present time writings.
    Especially in the mind of the human being saturating, training, and 
    disciplining his mind and thinking process, by it.  Even this action 
    pales with all the information about the finite that will never be 
    How much more the Infinite and the Eternal?

    You, the reader, your answer will also determine the height, depth, 
    and time spent that your knowledge needed for growth.


    Dr. Rivera