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Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

The Daughters God Wants to Loose


    The Daughters

    God Wants to Loose


    T.D. Jakes


    Matthew 6:9


    My mother used to say that a burned child dreads fire.  Her illustration is applicable because we dread thing from the past that we associate with discomfort and pain.  It keeps us from being whole and confident.  When you consider a need to be healed or loosed from trauma, it would be a God-given gift to live as it what happened had not happened.  God gives us grace not only to overcome the things we face, but also to overcome the effects of the things we face.


    Satan doesn’t want you to be able to run to your heavenly Father and be healed, because you will then live as if the trauma had never occurred.  Therefore, even when it comes to approaching God, the enemy will try to make you a little uncomfortable when you kneel down and say, “Our Father.”  That term, Father, may not give you the comfort that it gives to others.  You may be tormented by a memory.  You may be wrestling with a distrust that aborts your faith and destroys your confidence.


    “Our Father.”  What is that?  To you, a father may be someone who left and did not return.  Or a father may be someone who touched you inappropriately.  Or he may be the one who lied to your mother and betrayed the family trust.  When you hear the word father, you may smell liquor or hear heavy breathing and slurred speech.  You may hear grunting and recall groping and secrets.  You remember secret smiles and lewd looks stolen at the dinner table while Mother was looking in another direction.  You feel no closeness, and you have no trust.  You are just afraid. 


    You associate the problem with the gender rather than with the person who inflicted the pain.  You feel as if all men are the same.  This is a prejudice that we have never marched about.  There is no legislation against this prejudice.  Yet homes all over America are being destroyed by prejudice concepts, where abused and mistreated persons have survived and injury but are scarred with a stereotyped definition of what men are all about.  Many a good husband has lost the wife he loves to memories that have torment her all of her life.  She couldn’t quite seem to trust him or anyone else who looked like the one who hurt her.  She is a woman whom God wants to loose!  He wants to loose her so that she can be free to love herself, her husband, her life, and even her God.


    Matthew 6:9


    In this manner, therefore, pray:


    Our Father in heaven, Hollowed be Your name.