We all are so different and I for one like the comfort of it most of the time. But as all things we forget that some things one might be experiencing is major to them, at the same time it is a minor issue to another that is going through the same type of thing. We all have so many levels of understanding, emotions, knowledge and physical abilities. It's hard to put yourself in anothers shoes so to speak. I am still learning this and trying to work on it, myself. I guess the point I am trying to remind myself of and maybe someone else will get something from my perspective is... just because it is not a major issue for you, doesn't mean it is not a major issue for another. Even if it seems the issues are exactly the same, the people involved make them different and for one person it may just be a little irritating but for the other person it is a complete life changing issue.
Hugs and Blessings, Kelly