Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Tony T. Williams, MHA, KofC, CAA

Religion: Neopaganism


    Neopaganism is a revivalist movement powered by an amalgamation of primal traditions from various geographical areas and eras. An uncodified faith system with no central authority, it does not have many adherents or a set of canonical faith texts; and it is exemplified by almost personal faith practices and extreme variation in belief, purpose, and custom. One concept that has gained wide acceptance in Neopaganist thought is that each person should do what they decide is ‘right,’ with the term being defined as what benefits themselves and causes harm to no other. Unfortunately,

    the demand for spiritual fulfillment in the Neopagan faith system is currently in crisis as many who are interested in Neopaganism are at a loss to find good teachers, be those teachers practicing Neopagans or simply good books due to the lack of history and ritualistic tradition. Undoubtedly Neopaganism will grow in value and importance over time. The New Age movement is currently dispersed in the sense that no one organization has made enough of a significant contribution to achieve wide renown. Almost all successful New Age practitioners are talented individuals associated with either small schools or churches, private research firms, or simply their own family or community.