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Nola G Nakashoji

When the Past Calls

  • When the past calls!

    past call


    When I saw the photo below I felt a Mental resounding "Yes" as I read the saying. Then I heard also inside; you can call this voice - Intuition, Spirit, High Knowledge, doesn't matter what you use to describe It we all have It. We all have that inner voice that guides us. My inner voice clearly said, "It's not that easy." My response is to mirror in a question, "It's not that easy?" This process causes me to go into contemplation and reflection when I experience this is such stark reality. Time to "Be Still". 

    Not that Easy. In my short time of serving others by being a vessel, a conduit of Reiki energy, I have already noted how the past and emotions connected to people can stay inside. We harbor those experiences and they may present as illness. A past tumultuous relationship break-up; something I can speak of from point of experience, can result in Love becoming Hate. While we hold that hate inside it effects our heart organ; there are times that you can feel this with heart bounding, palpitations and even pressure that can be felt in the body rising up and felt in our ears. Depression, sadness that are born from hurt make a heavy weight in the chest, as well as heart and our shoulders droop putting even more weight onto our lungs, heart and upper intestinal tract. Just by these emotions of hate and sadness we can list dis-ease that can begin in the body because our organs are suffering. Heart disease, high blood pressure, headaches, tinnitus, bronchial issues like asthma or bronchitis, hyperkyphosis - the term for hunch spine, back and shoulders, and even more. 
    Yes, so it is not that Easy!! It takes some work on our part. Yes, the past has nothing new to say BUT the past can reveal where we are still harboring negative emotion in our body, heart, mind, soul that are creating blockages. Thoughts of the past can serve to properly identify where we need to do some inner work so that we can heal in our body by clearing out these blockages caused by negativity. Then as we clear those blockages from out inner self we can then see where we are mirroring those emotions and experiences from our past into our life around us. Did these past experiences cause effects such as not trusting others, refusing to give and accept love, cause fear of the opposite sex or authority figures. The past may not have anything New to say but we are called to deal with what it already did say. Let us hear our own inner voice. For me it is a renewed message To Love Myself and Others, To Forgive Myself and Others, To Love Freely even though it may hurt at times - it keeps me free! 
    When the past calls disconnect the call quickly but pause for a moment and take not of what you felt in that moment. Be still, connect instead to your inner voice so you can examine if there are emotions that you need to release. You may cry, I have even experienced laughing instead as I questioned, "Why did I hold on to that for so long?", you may need to go back into that anger and then blow it out with force perhaps even vocalizing that you have no need of that anger any more by telling it not to come back. 
    There is nothing new to say, but we are called to be free. Acknowlege, Release and Be Free, by doing this we can be the healthy and best that we can be! What can be better? You are precious, you are radiant, you are the only you. Be Free of the past and it's hold. Be the one to say something new.

    Alberta, Canada


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