Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

(Brother)Brenten Stevens

Heavens Blood Lust

  • Thank you for posting this information . I’ve often placed these facts in the path of so called religious zelots to which I get , well that was a long time ago . I’m not going to dig into our current hatred , judgment , condemnation put forth by political so called Christian Right . I detest any group to judge and use our construction of the nation under the constitution as a tool or weapon . We were created Equal , to choose our own path to God not a forced by law religious zelots using their own international ideals to create a wicked christian state . Most of the followers of these wicked people are not willing to read the facts they are so blinded by politics they simply follow their evil leaders . If God had the chance to judge these wicked people they are in for a shock upon their passing over . That’s just on the Christian level there are many splinters of Christianity claiming only their interpretation is correct . I see in the Dark ages a time of mass murder by these same people now rising in our country waging war against non believers . What is the difference between ISIS and the Christian thugs ? We have not yet seen mass killings here in the US as of yet not on our soil . But on other soil these 2 groups are still battling killing thousands of innocent people over religion . We’re in a modern Dark ages again ! Most of the George Bush war was over religion not weapons of mass destruction but fear of Muslim leaders . I’m 1/2 Choctaw and my family has the records of mass murder by the Christan thugs that murdered much of my past family members . We were called Animals , savages , monsters with no god . Wrong ! Grandfather ( our chosen name for the creator of earth) was our God of creation . When I was a child in the 60s often I herd children spew out their parents / grand parents judgment out of their children’s mouths , I was called a Red Nigger ! Perhaps most of you have not suffered such judgment and with time as I got older the new generations finally understood the native tribes ways . Today we’re proud of our heritage but not so long ago we were taught to hide our bi racial heritage for fear of retaliation by the Christans mostly in the southern and S western states . Christans need to study History and pull their head out of their collective ignorance . Texas recently forced schools Not to teach history over 100 years old it’s law now in that state . Why ? Because the new generation could see where that states religious right are hiding truth . They decided history of their own past will expose what they are currently doing again under Christan State rules . This is done to attempt to elude truth of their own past and current path . Hate laid out by Christan thugs in office against our Gay brother and sisters , abortion , anything they deem UN Christian . This is wide spread among mostly Republican Christian states who completely ignore constitutional rights for all . Yet they want that same doccument and law to only pertain to their brand of hate . Yes blood is being spilled in our country right now most are Christan children taught to harm others by their parents . Everyday people of color or other promised rights are being attacked even imprissoned by Police , judges , prosecuting attorneys to silence truth . No were no better than ISIS other than we don’t exacute non believers openly they do it quietly , in prisons , dark streets so on . This was the reason I rejected my own Christan up bringing as I got older read history and fully understood Many Christans are Murders past and present . I joined our church here because it’s a much much brighter future to join every ideal peacefully and enjoy our precious life given by the creator . This was why I became a minister here . God bless all his children to means does not matter what you believe in as long as your not killing or harming others then you are my brother and sister or something in between . Bless be your path in this life and Yes I love you all ! Brother Brenten Stevens . ( I use brother because we’re all brothers or sisters in gods eyes)
  • Brother John Miller
    Brother John Miller Hello Bro. Stevens, I have read your blog and I must confess that I agree with much of it. I myself rejected my Christian upbringing because I saw the Hypocrisy of it. I am now , as I call myself, a Pagan with a mixed bag of beliefs including Celtic, No...  more
    October 7, 2014
  • (Brother)Brenten Stevens
    (Brother)Brenten Stevens Lied to concerning what? If people open their eyes and study history of past apply it to today there is no lie only obvious truth . Yes evil is amoung all of us in every sort . Until human kind learn to accept others ideals yet not need to follow that ide...  more
    October 7, 2014