Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Minister Elizabeth Hurley

making lasting decisions

  • Dear friends! I have begun a new journey and have many questions and uncertainties. As a newly ordained minister I am faced with the same questions most of you had or have. What now? Its been a silent but constant nudging in my spirit for many years to help those who need help and to guide those who want guidance. My heart says to start a ministry but the darker forces whisper that its just too much for me. I need your prayers and your guidance as I work my way through the days ahead. Thank you all and God bless!
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel So, my advice is this, you already know what you are drawn to, so spending some time meditating, praying or however you connect to the divine and look at what you already know. Once you know what you are naturally drawn to, i.e. feed the homeless, spread ...  more
    July 29, 2014
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel plenty room for our creativity to be able to assist the world in a way that is unique to our own gifts. :) Basically, in a nutshell, maybe your God is wanting you to make the choice and working through self doubt in order to give you the tools you need to succeed!
    July 29, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Minister Elizabeth Hurley
    Minister Elizabeth Hurley Those are very wise words. Thank you Mystic Angel. I'm actually working on several ideas. My first was to open an online bookstore. Www.believersbooksandgifts.com. for that venture I'm currently making free book markers and several flyers to put up aroun...  more
    July 29, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Rev. Matthew Susi
    Rev. Matthew Susi Hi Elizabeth, This is definitely a late response, but your post moved me. As a minister, and as someone who has studied religion for many years (Master's in Religion) I can tell you that anyone on a path driven by belief inevitably asks those same questi...  more
    November 18, 2014 - 2 like this