Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Mary McGinnis

Why ULC? It is what YOU make it!

  • A good friend recently died & I was asked to officiate over the funeral by her husband. Both privately Wiccan...raised as Catholic... but they lived by the Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law.
    I looked into ULC & liked the concept of freedom of all beliefs to belong & sharing  without prejudice. All things right & positive. "that which is right." The Universal Life Church believes that it is every person’s responsibility to act holistically, to do nothing to impinge on the rights of others, and to uphold religious diversity and freedom. Additionally, everyone (men, women, and children from around the globe) must be able to practice their spiritual and religious beliefs without interference or threat from any government, religious, or societal force. The Church does not stand between the member and his or her belief system.
    Objective: Eternal Progression.
    Goal: A Fuller Life for Everyone.
    Slogan: To Live and Help Live.
    Maxim: "We Are One."
    All the things I've always believed in. I signed up immediately! I've studied...taught...with almost all religious factions,large & small. I've traveled many miles in this world in search of a deeper meaning & spirituality within myself for myself to be better towards others. Friends ranging from Cardinals in Rome, to the kid that started worshiping his new car down the block! (He started a car cult :))
    I've participated in nearly all religious/beliefs ceremonies. Without predjudice...without judgement ...okay...I did find it a bit odd on the Snake Handler in Arizona! I felt bad for the snake! Lost a few pounds dancing at a Babtist Church..super fun! Deeply moved at Native American babtism. Saw nearly starving people give what food they had at the feet of Buddha. I've built a Sactuary deep in the woods.
    So many journeys..so many positives:)
    I recieved my certificate of Ordination..I presented it to the family & friends of my friend that passed tonight at a gathering. A large group made up of many religious beliefs. There I was on center stage holding the ULC paper proudly. The reaction of the majority was complete rejection. A lot of swearing & no's,that's not valid! I just stood there till the mob calmed down & let me speak.
    I pointed out how we all are ordained by numbers in computers as far as State & Country laws.We blindly follow the rules & obey the demands of taxes..to red light ..green light. Why is my ordination any different? I've only followed the rules as far as what the laws have demanded..& that to be ordained! By computer or by years of study & devotion to one belief..I'm free to cover them all. ULC does not show predjudice or distain..they have faith & hope that I will make the best of what they have given me..as most followers of any religion. Blind faith to make what is best for all & myself.
    We are all one in our sorrow she is no longer physically present...we are all one in the love we share for her...we are all one!
    I hooked up a computer to the ULC website & Wikipedia definition. They all read in silence & we all made time to pray/worship & self reflect.
    I am now more than welcome to officiate at her services :) To freely speak for her.
    ULC is what we all make of it! & this lady is going to do her best for everyone of all beliefs that day!(No snakes involved)

    Thank you to ULC for making this possible!
    Aanii~Oki Ni-Kso-Ko-Wa~Namaste~God bless~

    **Air moves us
    Fire transforms us
    Water shapes us
    Earth heals us
    And the circle of the wheel goes round and round
    And the circle of the wheel goes round'