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Kenny Sallee

Blessing of the boat River Tyme

  • Cap'n Kenny reading the Blessing of the Boat prayers for the christening of the riverboat River Tyme in De Pere, Wisconson on May 13th, 2016.

    "Hear us, O Lord, to our prayers and bless by Your holy right hand this boat and all who travel in it, as You have done to bless Noe's ark carried upon the waves of the flood: Stretch forth to them, O Lord, Your right hand, as You have done to Blessed Peter when walking upon the sea, and send Your holy Angel from heaven, who may deliver and protect this boat from all dangers, with all who will be therein: and repelling all adversities, grant Your servants a calm voyage and the always wished-for haven, let them carry out and rightly finish their business, and when the time comes again, call them back to their home with all joy. Amen."