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Kenny Sallee

"The Unpopular Truth"

  • For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, (1 Timothy 2:5, NIV)

    One of the most often-asked questions regarding the Christian faith goes something like this: "What about the person who has never heard that Jesus is the only way to God? What about the person in the middle of the jungle who has never heard the gospel?" (They are always in a jungle for some unknown reason—or in the desert.)

    The teaching that Jesus Christ is the only way to God has never been popular. But maybe it has never been more controversial than it is today. If you want to get someone's blood boiling, then say that Jesus is the only way to God. The "coexist" bumper sticker on their car will catch fire.

    The idea that you would have the audacity to say that Jesus is the only way is, in effect, saying that other religions are not true. That is the way it works itself out, and people don't like it. It is acceptable if you say that Jesus is a way to God. But when you dare to say that He is the only way, then you can be certain that will have some pushback.

    But here is what it comes down to. We have to say what the Bible says, whether it is popular or not. It is not for me to edit the message of the Bible; it is for me, as a Christian, to simply deliver it.

    It would be like a doctor's discovering a very serious problem with a patient's health, but then being unwilling to say what that problem is, because it might make that patient uncomfortable.

    We have to tell people the truth about their real condition, which happens to be sinful, and then seek to save them, which is to point them to Jesus Christ as the only solution.

    In Jesus,
    Cap'n Kenny
  • Lloyd Hargrove
    Lloyd Hargrove Yet another unpopular truth could be that the Jews have thus far failed when they were told to be a "light unto all nations" (Isaiah 49:6) making necessary the rise of Christianity, which has also thus far failed to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...  more
    December 26, 2016 - 2 like this
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira Mediator: one who talks between two parties who have a dispute

    The original greek says "one" not "one and only" or "only one".
    ...  more
    December 27, 2016
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG A'm always surprised at this interpretation , the question is, what is Jesus way, the answer is simple from his teaching . .. love and compassion for all... so if you follow this teaching , you could be from any compassionate religion..... i...  more
    December 27, 2016 - 3 like this
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira Nice interpretation, Rev. Yoda. Thanks for sharing.
    December 27, 2016