Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Scott Bruno

Hone your intuitive nature with truth and you shall gain enhan

  •  On honing ones intuative nature:

    Intuition is the act of primal instinct based decision making. It is making a decision prior to any other creativity being added to the original idea (Flash Point). The flash point describes the short span of time one has in order to execute the process successfully.

    Once ones intuition is clear intuitive action can become a main rule in ones life. A place where we combine the high intelligent prowess of our advanced human nature, anchored in the decision process of our original animal instinct. It is linking ones modern intelligence with their instinctive intution. Decisions based upon intuition are almost always correct.

    On Truth and enhanced intuition:

    Speaking your truth to the world is the doorway and key to enhanced intuition. The real true beauty about, "truth", is that it need not be premeditated. Speaking the truth takes no planning simply because there is nothing to hide, Truth, is perfect in its very nature and form. So if one is always speaking the truth they may flow freely without need for interuption or blockage of thought. When one flows in the light of constant truth they achieve enhanced intuition.

    Speak your truth and flow in its perfect form. Enhance your intuition through being at the ready to note that gut feeling. The real trick is to get to a point whereby you flow through life in ultimate truth, having a realtime sync with intuition you become in constant flow with your deep inner intuitive truth. It renders a path where direction need not be contemplated, rather it is known. My intuiton told me this, and intuition is never false and always true. And hence the truth, lies within.

    Love, Light and Power,


    p.s. Have always felt there was a little something missing or not fully right with one of ghandi's great quotes. So I wrote my own version:

    "Be the change you wish to see in others, and the world shall follow" -sb 2014

  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno You and your little clique call yourselves rev's and priests...... its not even laughable anymore rather quite disturbing and sad. Go try and commit to an act of kindness, or assist one who is in need of what it is you offer and whom may welcome you. Go ...  more
    December 13, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • <b style="color:darkorange;">Brother Pluto</b>
    Brother Pluto Scott, I have received several complaints about your use of words in addition to other things, I see that we have a problem here! as you are new to the site I will now inform you that if this problem continues to grow then I will be forced to take action ...  more
    December 13, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno I understand that Pluto, perhaps you might tell the little pack of finger pointers to not attack people when they first enter, or in fact ever. These people are still in the dark ages when they resort to peer pack attacking someone as if in the days of th...  more
    December 23, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • <b style="color:darkorange;">Brother Pluto</b>
    Brother Pluto Thank you Sir, Your opinions are warented, Just p[lease be graceful and do not make it personal have a great day!
    December 23, 2014