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Scott Bruno

Christ personified is the sun

  • People love to personify many things, whether it is for the sake of deeper understanding or whether it is for avoidance, personification has gone on for longer than our history has recorded. The reason for most religion is to provide comfort to people in a world that is coldly brutal and hostile.This is fine and dandy but there is a more important secondary reason people use most religion, and that reason is so they can avoid having to look at themselves. People long for this, "comfort factor" that is both comforting and more importantly allotting for them to feel good and NOT HAVE TO LOOK AT THEMSELVES! One of my favorite examples of the personification of the stars comes from the Christmas/Christ story. Let me share it with you all:

    Each year the planet goes through precession, that is to say our planet rotates round and round and actually changesits rotational axis. Through this cycle the two most primary points or procession are the summer and winter solstices; moments in procession when the sun has gotten to the highest point (summer) and the lowest point (winter) of axis. Of these two points the winter solstice is indeed the more incredible. The reason I say this is because each year on December 21st, the day of the winter solstice, the sun comes to its lowest point on the axis. And if one is to use a telescope to observe the sun on the 21st they would see that this indeed is the case. So on the next day of December 22nd one would think that they would see the sun now begin its accent northerly towards spring, summer and a higher axis point. But instead of moving up the sun neither appears to move up or down and hence it stays in its same position. On the next day of December 23rd one would expect that the sun would begin its northerly accent, but again the sun appears to neither move up or down in its axis. Now becoming a bit concerned one would think the sun MUST begin to move northerly on the 24th of December, but again it stays its course and neither moves up or down. Even more concerned we begin to observe the sun on the 25th of December and BLAM! The sun indeed is seen to move .5 to 1.0 degree northerly and hence begins its accent towards summer. AND SO IT HAS BEEN SAID, "THE SUN DIED, WAS DEAD FOR 3 DAYS, ONLY TO RISE IN RESURRECTION AND SPRING FORTH TO BRING LIGHT, ABUNDANCE AND LIFE!"

    So now let me ask you, is it "SUN" or is it, "SON"?  :)  And which one came first?

    I have often enjoyed taking elements from the bible, like for instance from the psalms area, and substitute the word SON with the word SUN. And as you shall see if you do this that indeed it is retro configurable and makes a perfect match. :)

    Ode to the truths!

    Be Brave in the hunt for Truth, Be powerful in the act of Goodness. For it is these two attributes that shall bring you closer to paradise.

  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG I get lost often in the metaphors of God. ........God being the universe, if the metaphors help us, like children understanding giving and love with a red suit bearded men, in a slay, pulled by red dear..... If we learn compassion, love, caring for other'...  more
    May 3, 2015 - 1 likes this
  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno Rev. Jean-Guy, I agree with what you said. But I also think that it is imperative that we don't get so caught up in the metaphors that we lose sight of that which is within us. What is ahead of us and what is behind us pales in comparison to that which is...  more
    May 3, 2015 - 1 likes this