Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Scott Bruno

The Prophet of the Age

  • I have something very important to share with you and at a very important time in humanities spiritual evolution. We have now had 2100 years to learn from the Christ teachings and as he himself shared with you that now it is time to begin to embrace the next phase in our collective advancement. The two specific passages that inform you of this are, Matthew 28:20, "And I assure you that I will be with you until the end of the Aeon." and LUKE 22:10 when He said, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house that he enters." In the first message Jesus clearly outlines how long Christianity's lifetime for human development will last... saying to the end of the "Aeon". And when transcribed from its time of use this word means "Age". We know through the precession of the Equinoxes (which many knew in biblical times) that an age is a period of about 2150 years. So in Mathew 28:20 Christ is describing to you precisely how long Christianity's teachings will last for. And he said this because of how important it is to your personal development and spiritual evolution. The same lesson does not last forever for the student; the student graduates and then moves up and on in most cases. So just as in any other subject, the bible and Christianity have met their goals and hence come to their conclusion. On Dec. 21, 2012 we ended Christ's age of Pisces, the fish, and we began the new age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.

     The next best logical question to ask would be, "well then where do we go from here?". And as such Christ did not leave you in the dark, rather he very clearly answered this question at the Last Supper, when in LUKE 22:10 He said, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house that he enters". And hence this becomes the precise direction in which he has pointed you to follow once the age has ended. You see, there are 12 houses in the heavens above,.... i.e. the 12 zodiacs, and we process through each of these houses (ages) via time and orbit. An age lasts 2150 years and to get through a Great Year, or all 12 ages, it is roughly a 26,000 year process. Christ was the representative of the age of Pisces the fish.. the fish you see on the backs of cars, all the fish stories in the bible, even the popes hat is a fish. Quite ultimately what Christ meant when he said Luke 22:10 is that at that time when this age (Pisces) has ended keep your eyes out for the next great prophet (Aquarius the water bearer), and then follow him into his house, or age, of Aquarius.

     As you can now see, that by combining these two scriptures one reveals the exact moment in time that we currently find ourselves living within.

    Many have thought this new prophet might have been this person or that person, but not one of them is correct. I can share with you exactly what people must be looking for in order to become aware of this prophets coming presence, and I can only share this because God has now allowed me to share it.

     The water bearer will be the person who charts a simplified and fool proof path to the holy spirit, followed by sharing this path with the entire population of the world over. Now, what many have missed due to the layers of symbols that tend to bury true meaning as in this case is that two words mentioned actually mean something much different in the context of the message, they are: Water, which = Holy Spirit. And House, which = Age.
    It is fairly accurate to assume that this new prophet is indeed alive and living amongst us today in 2016. More than likely he is working hard to eventually manifest God within himself in full. Or, he could pop up a little early in order to share and show to others that even he himself is not fully manifest and is in fact imperfect, but then he may begin to openly share the process and path it shall he takes in order to reach full manifest. Also, I can share with you that this prophets works (Gods) will become the standard by which all people will live. It will inevitably be the way we live during the 1000 years of peace, a time which has now come. One very important thing is that even this prophet, alone, cannot and will not be able to accomplish this task alone, but will need the assitance of others like you and I. I am with a firm belief that time is running out now, especially as it pertains to what we have managed to do to our mother; nature. And so we as a worldy race must begin to make moves now, today rather than waiting. We must now collectively begin to move towards knocking down the walls that separate people through religions, and we must now focus upon commonalities and similarities so that we may finally come together as we rightfully should; as a single race. As it stands, we all come from the single God source and we all are indeed of one race; the Human Race.

     In preperation of this next great prophets manifesting into reality it is in our best interest to begin upon these works now. If you think God, or Jesus, or anyone else is going to simply show up, put on a show, snap his fingers and be done, you are sorely mistaken and completely fooled by satan and or the people who toxified the original words of God. Even so, if we are to show a collective movement in such a direction as collectively coming together to do what is true and what is right, how do you think any future prophet or God might feel about such efforts once they show up? Cause let me tell you, YOU DO NOT WANT GOD TO SHOW UP RIGHT NOW. We are sooo very close to being surgically removed from our mother, planet earth, than anyone here can even imagine. Think about it, WE, HUMANITY, BROUGHT UPON OUR PLANET AND OURSELVES AND ALL LIVING CREATURES HERE, THE 6TH MASS EXTINCTION!!! What in the hell would you expect God to do after seeing what you all have managed to do to your own Mother; Nature? It's not pretty, not at all, and every single one of you here is repsonsible for it. I mean what decent person would do such a thing to their own mother? KNOW, that you participated and are an acomplis to what has happened.

    It's time for us to begin to show some collective goodness and for us to come together and do what is right. See, becuase we will get to Kingdom Come regardless. The question is whether we will get there with 8 billion +, or 2 and a whole lot of fire. It is up to each and everyone of us now to begin to use our free will of choice in choosing so, it is also a collective choice. Our master of creation has asked me to share these things with you and so I have followed my command. So shall it be.

    Love, Light and Power,



  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG Lol... Its about your soul, not his... :-)
    January 6, 2016 - 2 like this
  • Elder Sioux Chief, Gary Hare
    Elder Sioux Chief, Gary Hare u may recall this guy, jg, his name is radar with a small r, lol - he's on here, and probably thinks im stalking him right now, haha
    January 6, 2016
  • Scott Bruno
    Scott Bruno Hey brothers and sisters, I know that this stuff I share is not easy, not for the faint of heart. And I know that I am just as responsible for many of the collective problems that we have brought upon ourselves. The question is, when will we collectively...  more
    January 9, 2016 - 1 likes this
  • Elder Sioux Chief, Gary Hare
    Elder Sioux Chief, Gary Hare everyday dude, some will get it, some will not ...
    January 10, 2016