God is behind these storms and rightfully so. A species who should have chosen Hemp, over cotton (Cloth Standard), and certainly alcohol over gasoline (Fuel Standard). A species that because of their outrageous use of fossil fuels have taken a process that would have taken millions of years, will now take hundreds of years. A species of which maybe 20% have come to realize that we are now well into the 6th mass extinction. In less than two (2) generations 70% of all living species alive today, will be extinct. (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/oct/27/world-on-track-to-lose-two-thirds-of-wild-animals-by-2020-major-report-warns). An even lower percentage have come to find that we, humans, are the reason for this 6th mass extinction.
Next time you are driving your car in traffic look around, see how many mufflers you can count. Look at all the commuters who have 4, 6, even 10 seat vehicles, yet are driving all alone. Imagine all of those mufflers you counted, then add the 1.18 billion vehicles that exist worldwide. Don't forget the air traffic sector - https://www.flightradar24.com/37.72,-85.27/3 And we cannot forget our growing sea of plastic - https://www.google.com/search?biw=1219&bih=525&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=plastic+ocean&oq=plastic+ocean&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l4.11118.14844.0.15077.
These are the reasons for which we shall now begin to endure super storms worldwide. Storms, the likes of which, have never been recorded before. These are the evidences of the humans inability to love her mother (Nature). And these are the reasons God shall now begin to allow super storms to get the species attention. Because you and I both know what comes after disaster, right?
Yep, we come together. And as such was the case in this last storm to hit Texas, we come together as one, where race, religion and vote do not matter, but for the very continuity of our species itself. It would be much easier to come together by way of choice, and by way of making good choices such as the collective world wide choice to treat our mother (nature) as she should be treated. Come Together.
It still behooves us to use resources wisely, treat the earth gently, care for our sibling species, respect water, air, rock & soil, and to consider future generations in our choices.... To be good stewards of this spaceship Earth... more