Smudging goes back for years, when tribes used it to rid one of disease or disorder. What smudging is, is the burning of herbs, to rid oneself from any negativity. This would include your dwelling, shelter, home, plants, animals, etc. It may also be used to rid and environment from spirits and negative energies, it is away of cleansing, the space. There are many different bundles to use and you can make them yourself or purchase them now a days. The most common of them all is Sage, or Sage and Lavender, then there is Cedar, and Mugwort. I have also used Frankincense and Myrrh. All these herbs are very strong and powerful. Please be careful when using them, so as not to burn yourself when starting them. How you do it is you take the bundle and light it on fire, then you extinguish the flash and then let the smoke billow from the bundle as you walk around your home and all corners, windows, and doors. Walk in a circle from east to west. This will ensure that the negativity, will be banished from you and your dwelling. You may do this for others as well as a blessings or a cleansing.
Please view the photo below that explains and shows what I am speaking of. Many Blessings with love and light always, Namaste and Blessed Be! ~ )O(CMD