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Rev. Xiao Shizi

Church and State

  • What happened to the separation of church and state? I see our candidates, mostly on the right but both sides are guilt, sell the christianity to the highest bidder. Some bring their bibles, while others just talk about their religion and memories of Sunday school. I deeply disagree with the indoctrination of children. Back to politics... We have seen a shift from some of the candidates from their usual act of selling their religion, to suggesting that other religions need not play. The Constitution states that there is no religious test for office. This is not a christian nation. Although the group makes up maybe 75% of the population, the government has no official religion. 


    Evin if by law we still have no religious test for office, this sort of nonsense creates a loophole. We finally broke the mold by electing our first non white President. Hopefully we will someday soon have a woman in that office. A non christian President may be necessary to break us out of our current situation. If a christian can hold this office, so can a muslim, buddhist, jew, pagan, wiccan, shamin, druid, native American religion, etc. I even extend this to satanist and many other views I don't share. I don't care if the President prays to the flying spaghetti monster. I vote for policy, not for their private personal thoughts on religion. 


    If a large portion of the electorate did not put their, and only their, religion above policy or rational thought, we will continue to have candidates who cater to them. It often makes non christians feel as second class citizens. I resent it. Coexistence means that no group is above another. We all pay the same taxes. It way past time we are treated equal.

1 comment
  • Lloyd Hargrove
    Lloyd Hargrove All quite true and lamentable, Rev. Storm, but at least one is still free to express same. Can our "public servants" ever manage to operate in a truly secular mindset or are there always too many pressures and biases from long held religious in...  more
    September 23, 2015 - 2 like this