Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. Xiao Shizi


  • Proselytization. An odd word I wish we could disinvent. The word only has meaning to some of the world's religions. Drafting laws that everyone has to abide by is a form of proselytization in my view, if the underlying purpose for this law is to impose a religiously based ideology into our system of government. I don't remember ever trying to draw someone away from their particular religion, regardless of how silly or harmful I found their religion to be. Coexisting is accepting others for who they are at any given time, not who we wish them to become. My sincere wish is that people learn to love the differences, to embrace people who do not share their views, race, sexual orientation, language, or nationality. Coexist. Please. Proselytization has no place in society. It's a rude way of telling someone their ideas are all wrong, and that you have all the answers. It's condescending.

    Everyone who is not like me, I love you. Wiccan? I love you. Christian? I love you. Muslim? I love you? Jewish? I love you. Satanist? I love you. Pastafarian? I love you. I wish you to be the wonderfully unique person you are. Maybe one day we can see the end of the "P" word. As long as we feel the need to change our fellow brothers and sisters, we are not coexisting. Blessed Be to all.

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