At the beginning of my path I heard over and over again that I could not be nature path, and "not" believe in deities. Many said these two were incompatible. I gave this much thought, asked for opinions from lots of people. A few christians I talked to surprised me. Though they believed in a supernatural being, they didn't see it as the creator of the universe. The stories of the bible were just parables. They think of themselves as Christians just as much as anyone else I've talked to. This helped me sort this issue out.
What I came out of this was that only I get the luxury of defining who I am. My heart brings to to the nature path. I see the male and female aspects all around us, all through nature. Not everyone on this path will see things in the same way. There are many titles I feel at ease with. Many titles seem to fit what is in my heart, Nature Path, Wiccan, Witch. Atheist still fits because I do not believe in deities. I look at the natural world and I see all the magic I need. The world is a mysterious place. The energy that connects us to everyone and everything is enough reason to love life.
When I pray, I'm praying to that energy. Don't let others define who you are. You don't have to fit any standard form of beliefs. Follow your heart to find you. Blessed Be.