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Brien DeMartino

Orlando shooting (Reprint)

  • Another reprint I wish to put here:


    Many times I have put myself outside the pail, trying to put understanding to topics that bear no reason or thought. This is a somber day for many families who will never again be able to hold their loved ones. They were not part of any war, nor were they involved with any violence, but instead were out together in one place celebrating life. These people did not know one another save for the fact of being in the same place celebrating what life had to offer. In one sadistic cruel moment their lives were cut short by someone who had no joy in his heart, only bigotry and hatred for others. Now the families of our lost brothers and sisters know each other not for the celebrations that their loved ones put forth, but instead for the cruelty of one individual. It saddens me to see that the six degrees of separation that was built on love and togetherness is now forever stamped with pain and sorrow.
    It is easy to have a political opinion. It is easy to sit in your armchair and point fingers. Do you really think ANY of that matters to the families that are now living one of the darkest moments in our history?
    Maybe we should offer our love to them, maybe we should help them, maybe we should at least pray for them.
    We should not make their pain the subject for debate. I find that to be almost as cruel. If you cannot understand what I have put forth here today, maybe the veil is a little to thick for you. Please rise above it. The pain is real. It is not a discussion nor a debate.
    My hopes and prayers go out to the families that have been devastated by this horrific event. I ask the god that I believe in to keep the souls of those we lost in his warm embrace. Amen.


    Read more at http://www.themonastery.org/blog/2016/06/righteous-indignation-the-ulc-response-to-the-orlando-shooting/#AH3ySSHM4sCUzgBU.99

  • Brien DeMartino likes this
  • Rev. Xiao Shizi
    Rev. Xiao Shizi I understand violence can and does happen without religion attached to it, but mass murder like this religion is used as a justification. Even if the name they call their god is the same as someone else who is lead by love, these murderers are lead by hat...  more
    June 24, 2016 - 1 likes this
  • Brien DeMartino
    Brien DeMartino You are right. They are insane murderous people that in my opinion need to be removed from society. What they do has nothing to do with any god. Having said that, the members of what ever faith is being fraudulently used need to come together and clean ou...  more
    June 24, 2016 - 1 likes this