Tolerance: (the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with, the capacity to endure continued subjection to something) This word has become quite a trigger button for me. I see all kinds of people, from every walk, spouting off about tolerance. Religious tolerance, tolerance of sexual orientation and lifestyles, etc. Forget tolerance, what about RESPECT? I do not want you to tolerate my beliefs, I want you to respect them. I am not causing you to "endure continued subjection" to anything. My religious beliefs, my sexual orientation, my lifestyle in no way, shape, or form is affecting you (generally speaking) at all. I am not trying to convert anyone, I am not holding a knife to your throat saying "You WILL believe!" I am just living my life the way I see fit, and I should be respected for that, as I respect others who follow their own paths. Stop striving for tolerance, it's degrading. Demand and command respect, for yourselves and others. Rant over.