Posted by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN
July 24, 2009 -
Food for thought...
When we look at these Bible passages, there is a question that comes to mind -- why did Jesus stop making these appearances? Why isn't Jesus appearing today?
It really is odd. Obviously Paul benefitted from a personal meeting with the resurrected Christ. Because of the personal visit, Paul could see for himself the truth of the resurrection, and he could ask Jesus questions.
So... Why doesn't Jesus appear to everyone and prove that he is resurrected, just like he appeared to Paul? There is nothing to stop Jesus from materializing in your kitchen tonight to have a personal chat with you. And if you think about it, Jesus really does need to appear to each of us. If Paul needed a personal visit from Jesus to know that Jesus was resurrected, then why wouldn't you? You are as special to this world as any previous person on this planet.
It is an important question for the following reasons:
- We are told by the Bible that Jesus appeared to hundreds of people.
- We therefore know that it is OK for Jesus to appear to people -- it does not take away their free will, for example.
- We know that it would be easy for Jesus to appear to everyone all through history, since Jesus is all-powerful and timeless.
- We know that, if Jesus did reappear to everyone, it would be incredibly helpful. We could all know, personally, that Jesus is resurrected and that Jesus is God. If Paul (and all the other people in the Bible) needed a personal visit to know that Jesus was resurrected, then why not you and me?
- Yet, we all know that Jesus has not appeared to anyone in 2,000 years.
In other words, there is nothing stopping Jesus from appearing to you, and several good reasons for him to appear to break all of the religion arguements this world has. It is that simple!
My creed: It's easy to criticize for a group/person for being "closed-minded". Are you open-minded enough to consider whether your ideas might be wrong?
There was a purpose for leaving my personal take on this. We have a group of religious fanatics (Christians, Jewish, Agnostics’, and Muslim) where I'm at and are currently going through the pros and cons of my statement. I will elabo... more