Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

What if everything you believed was a lie?

  • Regardless on what religion or non-religion you are in at this time....what if? 

    What if you woke up tomorrow and everything you had thought was true was a deception? A deception formed by people that stood to profit from your ignorance. Not just on one small area but every facet of your existence. Would you want to know? Or, would you be content with the life you had before you discovered the truth? Could you close your eyes and act as if nothing ever happened? What if you could see the ways that you have been deceived and the way that those that came before you were made to believe a lie? How valuable would the truth become? Would it make you change your habits? your routines? the way you talk or think or speak? Would it impact you or would you brush it off and carry on with business as usual?

    What if after waking up you decided to respond to that truth? What if you started studying history and world events and, like a string of pearls, events were no longer random but contained a sequence? What if that sequence was repeating? What if while studying these events they began to seem familiar?

    Are you open-minded enough to accept the truth?  Most of you "readers" will unfortunately stay in the bliss environment...which is o.k. "I guess", but in my mind....we will never know this answer so live life like it is your only one because you never know...really.