Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

John Amoroso Jr.

God working in me.

  • It truly amazes me how God works in my life. On December 28, 2015 I wrote something that touched a lot of people on Facebook and I hope that message continues to touch people. Here is what I wrote...

    Life has so many challenges that we all forget what the most important thing is... and that thing is love. God tells us to love each other and ourselves. Oftentimes we forget about this even when we are mad and angry about someone or something that really doesn't concern us. Yet we make it our business and slander people and discriminate against each other. Yes we are all sinners but we all need to remember one thing. God sent his son Jesus into the world to save us all from sin. He bled and died to save us all. His teachings tells us everyday to love each other and forgive each other of wrong doing. I pray that everyone starting today that you would stop fighting and take a moment to show love to your family, friends, neighbors, and yes even your enemies.

    You see when I write something down especially on Facebook it means something and not everyday I write something on there but when I do it's a heavy hitter. Too many times I see or hear how people treat each other badly either by words or by actions, and when it happens I start to pray. Now I'm not asking or telling people what to do. All I'm asking is Why?

    Why? That's a good question. Why do we act like we do? Is it because we were raised that way? Is it because we want to be that person who can do everything and not care what people think of us? Is it because the world owes me one? Is it because I want to be that someone.... or is it because God is not in our own life?

    Wow... That's deep... Now I'm not that type of person to tell you what to do... but I am going to ask you this. What is God telling you to do? Starting today I want you to think. Think about what God is telling you to do. Now you can Share this or Like this all you want but I ask you to think first. Think of what God is tell you what to do.

    God thank you for this day you have given me. Thank you for this moment to be able to speak my mind but most of all Bless everyone that they find you and let them welcome you in their life. In Jesus' name. Amen