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Pastor Joshua Freeman


  • I believe that Aristotle would declare me correct though I'm refuted by my Philosophy Proffessor that The Soul is the means of life and that Everyy living being has a Soul and that the argument for The Soul is the devine and correct argument to say that we should all live spiritually and that the Virtues and Vices of Humanity are derived from this concept of The Soul, thought my Proffessor would argue that I do not have the same concept of a Soul as Aristotle, I believe that I do and that the Intrinsic value of a Human Being and the Lesser Living Creatures comes from The Soul. Which establishes our personalities, character, and the true-isms of all Humanity and even the Lesser Living Creatures. I believe that who you are in your Soulis who you truly are and that this does not change, however much else can. And thus negative Soul's produce Intrinsic, nature of all Being's includig the Devil all the way to The Almighty and every being inbetween. Which is why some children though they be as Jesus said "Such as these little Children is the Kingdom of Heaven." There are those that at a young age act Demonic. Though they should act Angelic as most do.

1 comment
  • Rev. Yoda  . Aka.. JG
    Rev. Yoda . Aka.. JG There is also, dna, familly suroundings, social pressure, education, social violence, ..... Give any kids love, support, encouragements, educations, and they turn surprisingly fine adults. In my opinion the soul is a connection to all living things, and b...  more
    July 9, 2015 - 1 likes this