Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Lloyd Hargrove

The Difference Between a Burrow and a Trap

  • The availability of immediate and seemingly boundless information is now possible through today's internet, but does this make our decisions easier or more complicated?  Human minds work through sensory inputs and internal biases in order to determine a subjective reality out of all the chaos, the knowledge of which expands daily.  Unfortunately that which is considered objective reality or "truth" actually amounts to a collection of subjective realities for which a consensus is accepted among any number of groups or societies.   While options for possibly increasing any degree of correctness in this perceived reality also expands daily, unfortunately, due to an ever increasing number of unknowns the net results tend to yield unexpected diminishing returns as to both "truth" and actual consensus in many areas.  The more we know, the more we know how much we still don't know...

    ...It is important for any individual to remember, however, that the difference between something that might be envisioned as a comfortable burrow and something that is actually a trap is always determined by whether there remains a way out.  You can ask any rabbit about that as I'm sure they have a long formed consensus on this.  A trap may be found for instance in that any and all questions anyone has about religion might well be immediately answered upon their own death, however, it would seem that sharing such news with others quickly becomes either moot or at least increasingly difficult as reports of a back door seem scarce...

    ...At which point are we in danger of being too judgmental of others due to our own ignorance of matters which remain unknown?  It appears that we must from time to time return to some personal or collective reevaluations or at least rationalizations to decide a great many things because our knowledge and thought processes as well as opinions continue to evolve increasingly faster. So what is considered "normal" or "natural" within your own social circles?  Have your ideas evolved to keep up with an ever evolving general consensus within the whole of humanity which is increasingly being intermingled?  Or not?...

    ...If not, why not? Don't we all still stone to death homosexuals, disobedient children and adulterers (well, mostly only adulteresses it seems) just like the good book(s) says?  Oh, some still do you say? I'd watch my step with them to be sure, legalism being what it is.  

    The Difference between a Burrow and a Trap