Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

The True Fear Factor

  • There is very little in this world that I fear. Most of them are rather common fears when it comes right down to it. I fear the sting of bees, bad winds in a storm, crashing if I’m ever up in a plane… little things that may go through a person’s mind from time to time. But there is something I fear more than anything in this world. That is, I fear only one word….. Hate.

    Now, when I speak of Hate I should also add another feared word, ignorance. In this, I don’t mean individuals who are not well educated in math or science or reading or people from poor areas who may not know how to write or read, nor even individuals with low IQs. I speak of those who are so set in their ways and beliefs that they forget that there are others out there that are just as valid as they are. Others who’s voices are worth listening to.


    Historical Fact: Thousands of people died during the Burning Times. You study those times, perhaps even in school in passing? People being accused of being evil and the title of “witch” being cast as something murderous. Witches, be they male or female, did not simply mean pagans, but anyone who was not of the, and it pains me to say this, mainly Roman Catholic Church. Though don’t get me wrong. All were in on the hysteria, there was a plague going on, and terrible weather, which produced poor food, people needed scapegoats and, unfortunately, the witches became it.


    Historical Fact: Hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish people were murdered in Hitler’s death camps. He was an educated man but a twisted one who pressed the fear and persecution of a people just because of their religion. Germany was in dire straights, again people were looking for scapegoats. Using his already evident dislike of Jewish individuals, and a chance to seize power, he used the Jewish citizenry as stepping stones to rebuild Germany in his image and, hence, put an evil stigma on a good symbol and caused many decent people to their doom.


    Present Fact: There are, out there, groups like the KKK, Neo-Nazi’s, and Witch Hunter organizations who look back on the images of Hitler and the Burning Times and smile and call them “good times” when the “pure” were being shown the path and there was “righteous” murders going on. Even though, there was nothing right about the killing of innocent men, women, and children.


    Now, you must ask yourself, why do I mention these things that are all in history and is common knowledge to exist? Because for one simple reason, they DO exist. People become so complacent that they begin to ignore the very things that our grandfathers fought against and many gave their lives for. Things that, even now, are starting to crop up in the political systems once again. Because if people don’t stand up and recognize the patterns, history can repeat itself because we have not yet learned our lessons, unfortunately.


    Now, there are two types of such ignorance – generated hate to be feared. One is uneducated ignorance, the other is educated ignorance. First let’s concentrate on uneducated hate. This is often the hatred of an individual or a group of individuals towards others due to how they were taught from the time they were young. Many members within the KKK are not, in and of themselves, evil, but in fact, raised that way from the time they were quite small. Or other children from what appear to be good Christian, Catholic, Fundamentalist, etc, homes who were taught that, due to someone not being of their faith and / or church, that those individuals were to be hatred, ignored, reviled, or, worse, “saved”. Now, these children are inundated by church and faith. Going to church twice to three times a week, going to bible camp all summer, prayer sessions at home at least once a day seven days a week, very little reading material except religious things, the young mind is not going to stand much of a chance of developing a broader picture of the tapestry of this world. I’m not knocking organized religion you must understand. I was born and raised Roman Catholic so I know where I am coming from, and I strongly believe that everyone should have faith in whatever it is they do and belong to. But sometimes, there is overstepping boundaries. These individuals usually end up growing up hating their religion for all that they were put through, or growing up hating or worse, trying to “save” all those who are not of their religion because that is all they really know how to do. These people, the more they actually learn about who and what they are spreading such about, sometimes actually become quite tolerant and no longer trying to “save” or hating them. Though getting them educated is not easy and it must never, ever, be forced lest you cause them a reason for hatred.


    Now, we turn to educated hate. This is an individual who knows all about the religion or group of individuals they are teaching, speaking, hate, animosity, and avoidance about. These individuals, though, fortunately they are actually in the minority if you can believe it, are ones who have a very strong background in what it is they are speaking of. These either are people who have hidden agendas, like Hitler against the Jewish community, or who simply have decided, for one reason or another, that the people they are speaking of are evil. This is, of course, a sad situation. But, also unfortunate, you cannot convince an educated hater to change their ways or what it is they say against another. These are people who have convinced themselves that they are right and that is how it is going to be. All you can do is be tolerant.


    The best thing to do, when individuals start spouting such things as “saving” you or letting whatever gods they believe in, into your heart…. is to simply walk away. Trust me, it’s for the best. Why do I say this? After all, are we not bound to try to teach? Because you never know who is and who is not going to turn violent. And, be they educated or uneducated, hatred always leads to violence sooner or later. And, as we already know from history and from what is happening in this world today, violence breeds more violence which repeats in a vicious cycle. That is why Hatred is the one thing I fear most… .why it is, in essence, the true Fear Factor. Because you can never know when it’ll crop up, when you will have to face it, or what will happen when it arrives.


    And, unfortunately, that is the truth of the matter as well, it will arrive.