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Bridget Kielas-Fecyk

Prejudice and Cowardice

  • Let's talk about Privilege. There is White Privilege, Black Privilege, Native American Privilege, "Minority Privilege", Religious Privilege, etc. But what is that word? It means that there are certain things you can expect to have that others do not have. Now, for those of you who are already stiffening up and screaming "But we don't have (name here) privilege because of (reason here)" Actually, that may be true. But that also does not mean you're disadvantaged either. It simply means that certain individuals, unfortunately, end up not having to work as hard to get what you have to struggle to achieve. Is it fair? No. But unfortunately, that's how this country runs.

    Now, let's talk about Religion. People are fighting, killing each other, over the name for *god*. Then you have others who stand there and laugh at you for it because they don't believe in a god of any kind. Or they get angry because you're hurting yourself and others. Tell me, what's the point? You claim your god, however the being is named, is all-powerful. That they strike down the evil and wicked and those that don't believe. Then if that's true, why are YOU fighting, hurting each other? Why do you mock, harass, or otherwise mistreat each other and turn away if someone believes different than you? Surely your god will exact their own revenge, right? Or, is it perhaps you hate because it was because of how you were taught? Because your parents, perhaps your grandparents, behaved in this fashion and so you do too. Or, perhaps, you're angry at that person to begin with and need a reason to dislike them and it makes a perfect excuse. Simply put, if your god is supposed to be a magnanimous and loving being who loves us all, should you not also act in that fashion? Being magnanimous and loving to all those around you without hesitation?

    Now, let's talk about *race*. Race? I didn't know it was a competition. There is, if you look at it medically, just one species though many variations of that species. The Human Species. Now there are, as I stated, many variations. There are dark skinned humans, light skinned humans, humans who's skins are more yellow in hue, and some who are more red in coloration. You have ones with blue eyes, some with brown eyes, some with green eyes or hazel eyes. But you do have some variants who'll have one eye one color and one eye a different color. This is an interesting variation and quite rare, but beautiful, too. However, people judge by appearances. They judge by color of skin and thusly, make assumptions without even meeting the person. They also judge by certain choices like what the person wears, if they have tattoos, how they do their hair, etc. What if you couldn't see that and you simply met the person and spoke to them and THEN their appearance showed? It would be a different story, wouldn't it? There would be a lot of people you'd normally cross the street just to avoid out of fear of them, though you state you are not, you really are, simply for how someone appears.

    Now, let's go to prejudice. Either you can admit it to yourself, or you can lie to yourself, but - everyone - has prejudices. The instant you judge someone by their political views, their appearance, the way they talk, their ability - or lack of ability, their finances, what they wear, if they have tattoos, etc.. as being less than you. Or being frightening, you are showing prejudice. It is a difficult, a very difficult, thing to overcome, admittedly. And it can be something you're ashamed to talk about. But in truth, there really is no shame in it. In fact, it CAN be healthy. I know this is sounding strange since my earlier conversation was about admonishing for such things. If someone is acting aggressively, wearing certain things you know is dangerous, then you know, quickly, that this could be a dangerous individual and you need to keep your distance. This goes back a very, very long time to our ancestry when we had to be on the look out for predators that could take us down quickly. However, it is an instinct we, as humans, CAN control. There is nothing wrong with making a first impression, but simply deciding this person is below you, or you should hate them, simply because they are different? That is prejudice of a different sort. That is cold bias. Usually, it's learned from your family or from your local church. It's also learned from the peers you associate with for whatever reason. But it IS a learned response. Can it be overcome? Yes, it can. But are people willing to have the fortitude, and the courage, to risk the *displeasure of the majority*, whatever that majority may be, to try to overcome their bias? That is the crux of it. Most don't want to, they're not strong enough, or brave enough, to do it.

    Now, I'm going to tell you the one thing you do not want to hear and will be very angry with me to hear this. Anyone who is bias against others for their political views, race, religion, appearance, financial status, etc... is a coward. Yes, you heard me right, anyone who holds such things for such superficial reasons is a COWARD. You can claim to be brave. You could stand, I'm sure, in front of the muzzle of a gun, or at the point of a blade, and look your enemy in the eye without a flinch of fear. But if you don't have the courage to look YOURSELF in the eye and state that your distain and dislike of an individual simply for the fact they're different than you are, you're a coward. I don't care how much pain you're able to take. I don't care you can fight your ass off for your country or your people. If you can judge an innocent person be they man, woman or child, as inferior, expendable, worthless, etc...for whatever superficial reason you believe in, then that is simply cowardice. However, this can be overcome. By having the courage to learn more about them.

    Ok, so my rant this time was a little long-winded. But these are things that have been on my mind for a very long time. Will people be angry? Probably. But here's some food for thought. A very, very long time ago there was a volcanic event which created a genetic bottleneck for humans resulting in a very limited population base. From those very few, the rest of us were born. If you were to trace your genetic ancestry, you'd find that you are probably related, by your very blood, to the people you claim to hold distain for. Puts things into perspective doesn't it? And one more thing. If you were to invite everyone related to you by birth or marriage, and you had them invite everyone related to them by birth or marriage and so on, you'd be having every human on the planet going to one giant family reunion. Think about that.

  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel our freewill, and without freewill, our souls, individually and as a collective would never evolve or grow. Maybe some day, but mankind is still within it's infancy and seems to I don't think that will ever change, but I do think it is possible to live an...  more
    March 28, 2017 - 2 like this
  • Mystic  Angel
    Mystic Angel and are here to teach younger souls the lessons we have already learned. But anyway's, I do agree with what you said, and perhaps one day the prejudices will be due to the choices we make and not by what we look like.
    March 28, 2017 - 2 like this
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira Genetic research suggests that once human population crashed to as few as 2000 people. Whether this is true (or that we all decended from two individuals, or from the primordial soup), I find thinking of us all as human kin (humankind) aids in cultivating...  more
    April 18, 2017 - 1 likes this
  • Auntie Moira
    Auntie Moira Thank you for the tought provoking post.
    April 18, 2017 - 1 likes this