Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Bob Huggins

Bible Study book of John

  • Gospel of John Chapter 4

    This Bible study is based on the Gospel of John Chapter 4 which a remarkable story. It begins at Jacob’s well where Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman. Chapter Four gives us the story of the woman at the well. This is such a deep story (no pun intended) about truth and worship. Study the woman's phenomenal conversation with Jesus and explore her emotions as she wonders about the most interesting and perceptive man she was ever to meet. 

    Day One

    1. What was it that persuaded Jesus to leave Judea as shown at the beginning of the Gospel of John Chapter 4?

    2. What do we learn of the background of the Samaritan people from 2 Kings 17:22-41?

    3. Do you see any irony in verses 7 through 15; if so, what is it?