Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Aliya Trinity

I AM Love

  • I have learned that I am happier when I listen to my heart instead of my mind. My mind keeps me a slave to a stream of never ending thoughts. Regretting the past, anxieties about the future, judging my failures. In truth, my mind tortures me far worse than anyone else could. On the other hand, my heart speaks a Divine language of love and compassion. It isn't concerned with social structuring, rules and dogma. It only speaks with Divine truths - love, compassion, trust, joy and beauty.


    One of my friends recently ended her earthly life and one of her first comments afterwards was "Why did I do that?". She found out the truth of our existence... when we step through the veil, leaving our physical bodies behind, we find we are still who we are and have only stepped into another room to continue what we were already working on. Her transition reminds me how unique and special our life on earth really is. Each one of us is unlike anyone that has ever been or will ever be. We are a unique combination of our spiritual self and our earthly body and this union is a sacred union. When the time is right, we return home to our Truth and review all the things we have learned in this unique opportunity.


    While on earth, many of us feel homesick, as if we don't belong here. I have struggled with this my whole life... I vividly remember my existence before being here. It is this remembering... of complete bliss and unimaginable joy that causes so much pain in a world where struggle is the normal way of life. For some of us, it is hard to stay here. The mind and the heaviness of this earth pull us down and make us forget the beauty of who we are. Yet, we have the ability to release the heaviness while we are still here. We do have the ability to live a joyful life on earth. 


    For me it is a necessary to follow my heart and remember my origins... for my hearts sings with all creation and is the only reason I am here. In the search for a way to live in my heart at all times (and not my mind), a great gift was shared with me... it is a gift of ascension... gently shifting the vibration of the body to higher planes, lifting my heart, my song, my love. This gift reminds me, at all times, that 


    "I AM LOVE".... 


    and so are you.