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god came to me in a dream

  • god came to me in a dream

    and gave me a vision not a phrophecy

    in the begining god destyed the earth fith the great flood of the time of noah and few escaped in ark

    in the future there is comeing time god says in the bible he will destroy it again with fire

    in the dream god told me and showed me an ark that is capable of leaving this planet when he destroys it

    and it will take us to saftey i dont know if it will be heaven or if it will be the new earth he talks about in revelation

    but god does have ways of this he sent angles to ezeikel they came down in a whirl wind in a object that looked like a wheel within a wheel sounds kind like a saucer with a ring around it huh

1 comment
  • <i>Deleted Member</i>
    Deleted Member Yes there was a wheel, a circle...let the circle be unbroken...you are right Kendell...
    you know what is right !
    September 30, 2010 - delete