When we as living beings begin to journey through the world, there will be difficulty. We must remember that the Lotus Flower rises fromm the most obscure muddy waters, think of the muddy waters as our life struggles, and like the flower we will struggle and grow and struggle to the top. Then when we reach the surface we will bloom into a feeling of bliss.
hardship is not forever, and we cannot cling or dwell on it. It will manifest our struggles, and the hardest world challenges can be our most valued lesson. We must be thankful for them. Even in today's world where anger, fear, and alienation of generations of people are divided.. we have to remember as living beings we must incorporate understanding, with compassion, and mutual respect.
The first awareness of all Buddhist is the awareness of life. All life is precious and has its own right to exist. Good, evil, inbetween or other wise, and we cannot expel the evil, because then we become that very evil. We can only understand its existence, and when understanding is achieved, acceptance is achieved. Acceptance opens the door to the ability to co-exist.
Co-exist builds the foundations for harmony and balance of good and what we see as evil. The moment we judge that evil, and treat it as it is without any right of existence we begin to trigger the need for violence, anger, dischord. I believe that those which are demons, we can live with effort and open hearts, and willing minds.. we too can find a mutual living with one another.
To achieve peace we must be willing not to destroy evil, but understand it and accept it as it is. We do not let it influence us, we seek to understand it. Once the evil is understood it loses its power to drive fear or resentment into us, which will eliminate the need for us to feel combative towards it, and eliminate its impulsion to retaliate, as it will do nothing. How do we do this?
We must remember the second Law of Origin. That is If one is created, its other is created, if one is extinquished, its other is extinguished.. Black must have its white, good must have its evil, right, must have its wrong.. other wise if one is not present.. then its other will cease to exist.