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Sista' Joy

Intuition - Could It Be Your Guardian Angel?

  • Do you listen to your intuition? How many times has it kept you from danger, given you some great ideas or led you to exactly what you needed, when you needed it the most? What has happened to you, when you failed to pay attention? 

    Names We Call It 

    Some people call it intuition, a hunch or their first mind. Others proclaim it as the Voice of God, the Holy Spirit, a Discerning Spirit or their Guardian Angel, etc. No matter what you call it, we all have it! Some have developed it more than others; however, it is there to protect, prosper and guide you through your life. It will keep you from harmful people and situations and it will steer you to your goals. It will aide you in becoming more happy, healthy and prosperous, if you listen! 

    How Does It Come? 

    Following contemplation or in times of need or potential trouble, this intuitive feeling or discerning spirit will come over you. It is beyond logical reasoning and may come as an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach or as a feeling to take certain actions. Some people hear, see or feel it. Others have dreams. When it happens, you know it! Don’t ignore it. It will protect you and guide you. It may even save your life, as it did mine.  

    Learn To Listen 

    It was the summer of 1973 and I had gone to see my brother. He was not home. As I started to leave, his wife and daughters called out for me to join them on their back porch. Their mean dog was there. As they beckoned, a terrible feeling came over me and I heard the warning, “danger.” I ignored it and listened to them instead. “Oh don’t worry the dog is on a thick chain,” they said. I believed them, but the bad feeling persisted so powerfully, and a voice somewhere inside me urged me to at least take out my Pepper Spray, turn it on and hold it in my hand. Thank God I did!


    Opening the gate, I walked through and started up the stairs. Their dog just sat there watching, until I put my foot down on the top step. Then he lunged at me, snapping and snarling! Terrified, I ran down the stairs and back through the yard trying to get to the gate. Before I could, he broke his chain, leapt over the porch banister and came after me full force. It happened so quickly that everyone just stood there shocked and screaming.

    A big, strong German Shepherd that was trained to attack, he grabbed the back of my pants, jerked my legs out from under me and down I went, falling on my back. When I looked up, it was into the cold-blooded eyes of this vicious beast. I knew, instinctively, his intent was to tear my face off or throat out! 


    Only seconds away from coming down to do it, I blasted him with the Pepper Spray. Aiming for his eyes, I pumped it with all my might. Once, twice, three times - whew! Thank God, it worked. It stopped him in his tracks. As he moved away pawing his eyes, I jumped up and ran for my life. It shook me to my very core. 

    This experience taught me a vital lesson. One I have never forgotten and am now passing on. Listen to your intuition! Trust your own indwelling Presence of God. It will not only protect you; but will, also, provide strong and accurate guidance for important decisions in your life. 

    Your Guardian Angel 

    The next time you sense something isn't right for you or you get a strong feeling about someone or you are being led to do a certain thing, listen to it! It is your Intuition telling you the truth that you don't know about. It is trying to protect and guide you toward something good or away from something bad. 

    I call Intuition the voice of our Guardian Angel and I truly believe it is because God's Emissaries are all around us. They have our very best interest at heart and are totally accurate because they see far beyond our human sight, just like Intuition does. We are promised in Psalm 91 that "he shall give his Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways..." 

    Intuition is one of the methods they use! 

    So the next time Intuition alerts you to something, listen closely, realizing that it is your Guardian Angel guiding you to something great or leading you away from something disastrous. Pay attention and understand that its sole purpose in coming is to keep you from "dashing your foot against a stone..." Heed its advice. After all, it may save your life, just like it did mine.

1 comment
  • Rev.  YoYo
    Rev. YoYo Yes, yes... it comes to you when you most need it. I call it first mind or intuition. I was just talking about first mind this evening. About a month ago, something told me to purchase vitamins and herbal supplements that boost your immune system. This is...  more
    January 29, 2017 - 1 likes this