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Janette Stark

The Loss of an Estranged Sibling

  • Views on losing an estranged sibling to death. Someone who was very sad and blamed everyone associated with those who hurt them! Even though that person who hurt them was no longer around! When it comes to family the phrase "birds of a feather flock together" does not and should not stand true. Well, I guess depending on how bad someone really is I can see a problem there (another discussion that can be had). Other then that not everyone associated with the ones who hurt you are that way.

    The feelings of nothing but turmoil they have caused with the blaming can by far be the worst to get through when there was hardly any good times with the sibling! The alternate personalities they made for themselves for others can be maddening when you hear them talk about the sibling in such a good light. You can only look in dis-belief thinking "Really? Do they REALLY know who she/he is?".

    When you think about that you also need to think that maybe the sibling really was a good person to them but the hurt that was caused to them they chose to stay away from the memories of that person meaning anyone associated. At the same time they trashed those associated because of hatred of what happened to them. Every little normal sibling arguement like fighting over toys, clothes or make-up is how they choose to keep judging you. When you all were young and ignorant to real life. They didn't say how the next hr or day you were all happy and totally forgot about what happened because it was a part of growing up and learning.

    They judged every little mistake you and the other siblings made through-out life. Even though you learn from most of those mistakes it makes no matter to them. They don't see that, they only see what they want to see, to appease their own selfishness.

    Even though you still loved them and understood why they were that way. You still don't feel familial love for them, because the sibling chose to betray you as a family. Eventually one will get over this, it may take days it may take a year. Eventually something or someone comes along and says "It's ok to be the person you are meant to be!", nothing rarely happens overnight when it comes to this type of situation.