Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Janette Stark


  • I have learned throughout my life and by watching others in the real world before the WWW took me over. That I used to wear the mask depending on where I was and the occasion. Now it still rings true, to certain degree. I am myself, I am usually the odd ball out so to speak and I am content with who I am. If I had the money I would be even more eccentric, which I have found is who I am. Even when I was younger I almost always felt out of sorts with everyone else. I have mainly family and irl friends on my social media. I don't agree with everything they do. I keep those who are not so judgmental or two faced, I myself have even had ones delete me because I am so outspoken about life.

    People who wear masks are not who they truly are, a wolf in sheeps clothing so to speak. As a way to hide their true selves and to be who they wish to be or is expected of them. When it comes to certain types of employment I can see wearing a type of mask.

    You can never really know ones intentions when they have the mask on;
    1. A ruse to gain someones trust, then come against them or to teach a lesson.
    2. To hide who they are because of fear of judgement.
    3. Some use it as a way to hide their true feelings. IE: Sadness or Anger.

    Use your best knowledge when it comes to knowing they are masking something. Think it through before you react.

1 comment
  • Marie Zibert
    Marie Zibert So very true...perhaps we are taught as children to wear masks in order to be accepted by society. If we could all help each other feel safe maybe the masks would drop!
    March 8, 2017