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Christopher Dorney

Can I move on and forgive

  • Its my sisters 30th birthday and my mum is throwing a family meal. I originally wasn't going as it's a busy weekend for me and it involves a lot of driving, over 400 miles. I changed my mind, thought it would be nice to surprise her and told my mum that I would be coming and that I was bringing my girlfriend too. No problem, everything was cool. Mum really excited, me and my partner too. Then my mum dropped in the surprise that this other family member would be there but it should be OK. "Best to move on" was what she said. Trouble is this, this family member threatened me and my partner. Was highly abusive to us and my son. I had to call the Police to stop him harassing me. This was about a year ago. Do I tell my partner he's going to be there? She was genuinely scared for her life at the time, I was too. I know nothing will happen tonight, there will be too many people there for a scene to be played out but do I forgive and move on and should I put my partner through this? Well I've already decided that I will tell her whilst we're travelling there. Explain that she'll be safe and no harm will come to her but am I doing this the right way. Am I wrong to put us in this position? I hate self doubt. Maybe its the unknown I don't like, the not knowing. Think I will level this in the hands of the Big Cheese. Have a little prayer before I go and trust that He has me in the cup of his hand.
1 comment
  • Marie Zibert
    Marie Zibert I think forgiveness leads us to an inner strength that is not from the mind. The mind wants to hold onto the past, to memories. But we are not the mind. Our divine Self, our center, is quiet, peaceful and can help us get through life.
    March 4, 2017 - 1 likes this