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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Kaddish Revelation

    Monday, March 20, 2017

    When a Jewish person dies, we recite the Kaddish. It's known as the prayer for the dead, or the mourner's prayer. It says this: Magnify and sanctify His great name. Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, honored, magnified, extolled and lauded be the Holy One, blessed be He. There's nothing about death in it, it's all a hymn of praise. We need to praise God always, even when we're hurt or sorrowful. When you're down, lost or everything is going against you, magnify Him anyway, and you'll be blessed. In times of death, there's no mention of death in the prayer, only praise for God. This means that no matter what your problem is, don't get wrapped up in it. The answer to the problem isn't in the problem, it's in praising God. The more time you spend dwelling on your problems, the more time you're going to be in your problems. Praise God and your life will be filled with blessing. Bless God at all times. Praise Him in the valley and you'll end up praising Him on the mountain tops, too. That's the lesson of the Kaddish.
    From Message #653 - A Guide to the Baruchas

    Scripture: Ps. 21:8

    TODAY'S MISSION - When problems arise today, don't get caught up in them; start praising God.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn