The Miraculous Death Of Memory
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
In Exodus 12, there's a command to sacrifice a male lamb. In following the commandment, the Hebrews were spared during the final plague of Egypt. We know that the lamb is a symbol for Messiah, but it's more complex than the fact that He was male. When studying these scriptures in Hebrew, we see that the word for male is zachar, which can also mean remembrance. We often live based on our past; haunted by our experiences, past sins, habits, or failures. When the lamb is killed, the remembrance is wiped away. This is the sign of Messiah. He is the Passover, but He is also the zachar. When Messiah died on the cross, the zachar - all remembrance of our past, our sins, habits, and failures - died with Him. When you answer the call to follow Messiah, like the Hebrews in Egypt, you are spared from paying the price of your past and are given new life. The voice of God says to you, forget the former things, be free of the past and walk in the new, for the zachar has been sacrificed and the remembrance is dead.
From Message #455 - The Nisan Lamb
Scripture: Isa. 43:18
TODAY'S MISSION - Forget your former self and embrace your future and your destiny with Messiah today.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn