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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Anointing Of Your Tears

    Wednesday, April 19, 2017

    A woman weeps at Messiah’s feet and wipes them with her hair. Where did those tears come from? She was a sinner - rejected and condemned by people all around who looked down upon her. She probably looked down upon herself, until all her wounds and pain became the tears coming out at Messiah’s feet, washing and anointing them. He tells her she did well, and her sins, which are many, are forgiven, but He rebukes the Pharisee who didn’t wash His feet. The wounds, rejections, pain, scars, and life of this sinful woman have turned into the anointing of Messiah’s feet. Everyone on this planet has pain and disappointments. Wherever you are, when you give it to Messiah; it changes and all those things become redeemed. Pour out your heart before the presence of God like water and your sins that are scarlet will become white as snow. God can redeem your past. Don’t keep it to you rself - let it touch His feet and anoint Him. Bring it all to Him and let it flow. Because it’s holy to wash the feet of Messiah with the tears of your heart.
    From Message #711 - Kissing His Feet

    Scripture: Luke 7:37–39

    TODAY'S MISSION - Pour out your heart to the Lord today and let your tears anoint His feet.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn