The Broken Vessel Of God
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
After 2000 years, on June 7, 1967, the Jewish people regained their holy city of Jerusalem. Compared to other cities, Jerusalem is hardly the most beautiful, sitting on the barren rocks of Judea. Yet, the Bible is filled with promises to rebuild it, to make it again the Holy City. Why rebuild Jerusalem? It's like having a beautiful vase; one day, it falls and breaks and instead of buying a new one, you gather all the pieces, one by one and put them back together. When you love something and it breaks, you rebuild it. That goes for your marriage, your relationships, and all the other broken things in your life. It also goes for you- you are God's Jerusalem, His broken vase. Because He loves you, He would rather put together the broken pieces of your life, piece by piece, than give up on you. He doesn't give up on you. So don't you give up on yourself, or on His love. Ke ep going until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth, for you are His Jerusalem.
From Message #701 - Yerushalayim: the Mystery
Scripture: Isa. 62:7
TODAY'S MISSION - Do you have something, or someone, in your life that is broken? Don't give up on what is of God. What can you do to bring healing and restoration?
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn