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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Your Pilgrimage Life

    Wednesday, June 21, 2017

    I visited my cousin who lives in Israel and he took me on a tour of the Holy Land. Then he came to New Jersey to see me. I figured I owed him a tour in return, so I took him on a tour of New Jersey. He saw factories, traffic jams, overcrowding...I asked him if he wanted to continue and He said, "No, not really". Giving him a Holy Land tour of New Jersey was ridiculous- and yet not so ridiculous. Israel is the Holy Land, but if you're a holy person, your life and the ground you walk on is to be holy. You may not live in Israel, but Scripture says you're a citizen if you're born again. Live your life holy in the presence of God, as if you're in Israel. It doesn't matter if you're in America, Asia, or Africa- live your life as if you're in the Holy Land, walking on holy soil. Treat every moment as holy and it will become so, because in the grace and the Spirit of God your li fe will become a pilgrimage in the Holy Land - even in New Jersey.
    From Message #759 - Baruch Ha Ba

    Scripture: Heb. 10:39

    TODAY'S MISSION - Live this day as if you were walking the ground of the Holy Land. Let every step be. Let your life become a sacred pilgrimage.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn