He Who Is Joy
Thursday, August 31, 2017
God is the King of the universe and the Lord of all. You are part of the universe. Therefore the only way things can be right in your life is when you make Him who is the King of the universe, the king of your heart, and when you make Him who is the Lord of all, the Lord of your life. The Lord is also the Joy of all existence. The only way things can be truly right and blessed in your life is to make Him who is the Joy of all, the true joy of your life. You are to rejoice in the Lord always, because you've made Him the joy of your life. You are to delight yourself in Him, because you've made Him the delight of your heart. If you've made God the Lord of your heart, that's great and essential. If you've made Him the Lord of your life, that's just as important. But now do something even more: make Him who is the Joy and Delight of all creation, the joy and delight of your he art and your life will be blessed.
From Message #985 - Delight Yourself in the Lord
Scripture: Ps. 51:12
TODAY'S MISSION - Spend time delighting in the Lord today and allow His joy to fill you to overflowing.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn