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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Bird Husband

    Tuesday, September 19, 2017

    Courtship isn’t limited to humans. In many species, the male has to show the female he’s a good provider. For example, in some species of birds, the male comes courting the female by bringing her a token of his ability to provide: a dead bug. The female bird gets excited and thinks to herself, ‘This is one real responsible bird. He’ll make a great husband.” What’s true for birds is true for humans. The husband is called by God to be the provider for his wife and family. Husbands, this one is for you. 1 Timothy 5:8 says the one who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. Husbands, it’s your responsibility to provide for your family’s needs— not just financially and physically, but also for their souls and hearts. You need to provide them with love, security, acceptance, and most of all, you need to be the spiritual provider of your home. Provide the m with God’s Word, Love, and Spirit in your house. Even the birds know it. Fulfill your ministry and minister to their true needs and your nest will be blessed.
    From Message #316 -Fatherhood and God

    Scripture: Prov. 13:22

    TODAY'S MISSION - Fulfill your responsibility today. Do what is right. Fulfill you charge. Be the servant of God that you were called to be.

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn