Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
February 19, 2018 -
The Ambition Of The Great
Monday, February 19, 2018
As believers, we often consider ambition to be a bad and worldly thing. But Messiah said, “He who would be greatest among you must be the servant of all.” In other words, the desire for greatness isn’t wrong in itself, only when the greatness desired is selfish, self-centered, or self-serving. But being truly great doesn’t come by being great at business, money, power, status, or conquest. It comes by being great with God and the things of God. Messiah is telling us to be ambitious for greatness in humility, servant-hood, giving, love, faithfulness, and goodness. Be the best at selflessness. Turn your ambition to godliness. Be the most ambitious at becoming the most Messiah-like person. God showed us His greatness by lowering Himself and dwelling among us, by loving us and stooping down to wash our feet. He showed His greatness by laying down His life for us. So if you have great ambition, direct it at Him who is truly great. For the greatest one is God and the greatest thing is love. So be great and ambitious in what is truly great…the love of God.
From Message #415 - The Prince of Life
Scripture: Jude 1:21
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, direct your ambitions at being Messiah-like and walking out His love in your life.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn