Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
February 21, 2018 -
The Blue World Mission Field
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
If you aren’t sharing the love of God with those who are lost because you don’t believe you’re called to evangelism or the mission field, I want to reveal an incredible thing about your life. You are called to the mission field. And the sign that you’ve been called to the mission field is that you’ve been put on planet earth. Earth is the mission planet. It’s the planet that God came to on His mission of salvation. You don’t have to journey to some foreign land to go on a mission; you’re already on a mission. If you’re born again, then you’re born from above and you’ve already journeyed to your mission field. Open your eyes and look all around you. This planet is your mission field, and all around you are the natives: the cashier, the mailman, your boss, your parents, your spouse, your relatives, the stranger, the needy, and the outcast. Should you go into the mission field? No! You are already in the mission field. Wake up and remember who you are. You’ve been called to the mission field and earth is its name.
From Message #538 - Therefore, Go
Scripture: Romans 10:15
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, go through every circumstance and place as if you were on a mission field – because you are!
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn