Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
February 26, 2018 -
From The Mouth Of A Shark
Monday, February 26, 2018
In 1799, the captain and crew of an American ship named the Nancy was put on trial for smuggling. Before capture, their illegal cargo and ship’s records were thrown overboard and a faked set of records were substituted. Just when they were about to be acquitted for lack of evidence, another captain walked into the courtroom with the original records that had been thrown into the sea. They had been eaten by a shark that was harpooned that very morning. Truth has a way of coming out, even through the belly of a shark. The Shark Papers are still on exhibit in the Institute of Jamaica. In the Day of Judgment, everything you do in secret will be seen in the light. Those things you thought were hidden will be revealed, because truth comes out in the end. Therefore, live your life in the light. Let God wash away your sins and be pure. Take no part in secret things that bring shame. Live a life that you’d be glad to have lit up with light because you never know what could turn up in the belly of a shark.
From Message #753 - The Eyes of God
Scripture: 1 John 3:19
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, live as if everything you did would be made known to everyone. Live transparent in the light.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn