Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
March 1, 2018 -
Thursday, March 1, 2018
It was an event that caused the world to go into an uproar and the United Nations to declare it ‘null and void’. Jerusalem was again in the news. Donald Trump had done what several American presidents had promised to do but none had ever done before – He declared America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The event was unprecedented, historic, and prophetic. It was the first time that any major power had ever recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital since the days of the Roman Empire. Jerusalem was the only capital on earth that the world refused to recognize. How was it prophetic? The ancient Scriptures foretell that in the last days Israel will be back in the world, Jerusalem will be back in Jewish hands, and the ancient city will be the center and focus of world controversy. In ancient times, the world had capitals with names such as Akkad, Ur, Thebes, Bizra, Nineveh, and Jerusalem. How many of those ancient capitals are still in the world today? Only Jerusalem. And how many of them are the focus of the entire world? Only Jerusalem. How do we explain that? The Bible is true. In the Book of Zechariah, a prophecy is given in which God says: “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling…. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” The prophecy sounds unimaginable. How could the entire world come against one city, a little city of rocks on the edge of a desert? It seems impossible. And it is taking place before our eyes. There’s no natural explanation for it. Jerusalem is beyond natural – as is the conflict concerning it. Jerusalem is the key to end-time prophecy. God’s purposes cannot be fulfilled without it. But it is not only the Hebrew Scriptures which require it but the New Testament – the words of Messiah Himself. He cannot come again to this world until Jerusalem is back in Jewish hands and the entire world gathers against it. Jerusalem is back and the world is gathering against it. And what we have just witnessed was a prophetic event toward that end. There is much more to be said, but for now, this will suffice: God is real. His Word is true. His promises are good. And we are living in the end-times. All the more, pray for the salvation of His ancient people and the coming of His kingdom. And all the more, live confidently in the Word of God. And may God greatly bless you this month as you do! Your brother and co-laborer in His love and service, Jonathan
See Message: The Jerusalem Declaration I & II
Scripture: Scripture: Zechariah 12:1-2
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn